Resolution to readvertise for Community Reps on Local Planning Panel (29 June 2021)

C0621(3) Item 28         Appointment of Panel Members for the Inner West Local      Planning Panel

Motion (Da Cruz/Passas)


1.    Appoint Prof. David Lloyd as the primary chair and Gary Shiels and Heather Wharton as the alterative chairs on the Inner West Local Planning Panel as selected by the Minister of Planning and Public Spaces;


2.    Extends the term of Ken Hawke and Kath Roach as Community Representatives on the Inner West Local Planning Panel to 30 October 2021  and  re-advertises for community representatives through all our communication channels with a view to attracting applicants with a diversity of backgrounds; and


3.    Appoint David Johnson, John McInerney, Brian Kirk, Jan Murrell, Kim Crestani, Mary-Lynne Taylor, Lisa Trueman and Lindsey Dey from the Department of Planning Industry and Environment shortlist as independent experts on the Inner West Local Planning Panel.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Passas, Porteous, Raciti, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Drury, McKenna OAM and York

Absent:                        Cr Byrne


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