Notice of Motion/Resolution: Communication with our Community (8 Dcember 2020)

 C1220(1) Item 17         Notice of Motion: Communication with our Community

Motion:  (Da Cruz/Stamolis)


THAT Council ensures every issue of the newsletter includes:


1.    The web address for the council website, your say address, where to view Development Applications and Council papers online;


2.    Basic information regarding waste service;


3.    Councillors & community services contact information;


4.    Increases the frequency of the newsletter to every two months; and


5.    No pictures of the Mayor or Councillors except for the contact page, and no editorial from the Mayor.


Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Passas, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer

Against Motion:          Crs Drury, Iskandar, McKenna OAM and York

Absent:                        Cr Byrne


Item No:         C1220(1) Item 17

Subject:         Notice of Motion: Communication with our Community           

From:             Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz   





THAT Council ensures every issue of the newsletter includes:


1.   The web address for the council website, your say address, where to view DA’s and Council papers online;


2.   Basic information regarding waste service;


3.   Councillors & community services contact information;


4.   Increases the frequency of the newsletter to every two months; and


5.   No pictures of the Mayor or Councillors except for the contact page, and no editorial from the Mayor.




Since the demise of the Inner West Courier, the Council Quarterly Newsletter has become a vital source of information.

The recent issue has some serious omissions.

Funding Source: savings from advertising in the discontinued print version of the Inner West Courier



Officer’s Comments:


Comment from Acting Director City Living:

Increased frequency is supported as the current quarterly publication has long lead times for stories, and six editions will allow more regular and timely community news.   Two additional editions would cost $60,000 which can be funded from savings from the Council column in the former local newspaper and commence with a February/March edition.


The Mayor is the spokesperson of Council under s226 (c) of the Local Government Act NSW and it is considered appropriate for a Mayoral column to be included in each edition, as is customary at other councils.


Newsletter content is considered operational however councillor contact details and Council’s website address are always included. Waste services information is featured regularly e.g. new food organics collection in the most recent edition.



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