370 Bus from Leichhardt to Coogee

I rely on the 370 to help me carry shopping from Leichhardt Market Place to Annandale, to attend the Newtheatre in Newtown and get home afterwards and most recently to get home from Bankstown to Annandale. Many a time, I have caught the 370 home from Glebe Point Road after checking stocks of Annandale Short Walk books at Gleebooks

I even once went on a Joy Ride on the Light Rail to Randwick but decided to return on the 370 as the Tram was so slow.

Another time we went to a wedding at Coogee - sadly there were no buses to get us home!

The pottery studio at UNSW and a lecture have also been a reason to catch the 370. It connects the Newtown Performing Arts School to NIDA. 

A weekend 370 bus service from Annandale to Coogee Beach was introduced in the 1940s. Buses ran every 20 minutes via Newtown and St Peter's Station to Beach Street, Coogee. The full fare was 8d (shillings) and child fare was capped at 3d.-1940 'NEW BUS SERVICE.', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 26 January, p. 12. , viewed 08 Jun 2021, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17658334

The 370 bus service was re-introduced in the 1990s (from memory) to run from Leichhardt Market Place opposite Boomalli Artists' Coop to Coogee. It started of as a limited service.

It is now proposed to cut the 370 service  in preparation for the privatisation of more of the bus network  

"Customers are encouraged to provide their feedback by completing our survey here which will determine our customers preference for the changes by 30 June 2021." - https://www.mysydney.nsw.gov.au/SE_bus_changes

In 2000 the Glebe Society was advocating for the expansion of the 370 bus service.

"The [Glebe] Society has therefore written to Sandra Nori suggesting that among the alternatives to the re-opening offrancis Street might be: better access by public transport, specifically by extending the #370 [Leichhardt-Coogee] bus service to include evenings and weekends;" - Glebe Society Bulletin, February 2000 https://www.glebesociety.org.au/wp-content/uploads/bulletins/2000_02.pdf

In 2012, I recorded some of the highlights of a trip on the 470 from Leichhardt Market Place, past the New Theatre, to Sydney Park at St Peters, like buying Sardines, LED lights and Atta flour for making Chappattis  http://ramin.com.au/travel/370-bus-route-sydney.shtml

Instagram from St Peters Station stop to Annandale (Johnston/Booth St) opposite post office. (3 June 2021) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPp6teojPAv/

Callicoma Tweet: @notsolonecoder provides the evidence the gut feel that #370 is the worst bus service in NSW but not on every metric @linuxconfau 2018

Fandom: https://sydneybuses.fandom.com/wiki/Route_370

Inner west’s 370 bus service labelled the city’s worst route News.com, July 2018 https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/inner-wests-370-bus-service-labelled-the-citys-worst-route/news-story/1401a89ffdd031f892bec615a980721f

Clr Marghanita da Cruz, Greens, Gulgadya-Leichhardt Ward, Inner West Councl Facebook Post 8 June 2021. https://www.facebook.com/MarghanitaDaCruzGreens/posts/115976754

Transport for NSW is proposing to break the 370 bus service from Leichhardt to Coogee via Sydney Uni and UNSW. The number of students who use this service lead to the The Universe Would Cease to Exist if the 370 Bus Arrived on Time
The 370 bus service first ran in the 1940s from Annandale to Coogee on the weekend.
It was restarted in the 1990s connecting Leichhardt Market Place to Coogee in the 1990s.
The The Glebe Society advocated in 2000 for an expansion of hours which meant it was possible to catch it home from the New Theatre, Boomalli Aboriginal Art Gallery and Gleebooks.
I recall once being stranded in Coogee after a wedding to which the 370 had delivered us. Testing out the South East rail to randwick demonstrated the 370 bus route was a much better way to travel between Randwick and Leichhardt.
Last Thursday, I caught the 370 home from St Peters Station after attending the Our Living River (parramatta river catchment group) meeting at the The Bryan Brown Theatre and Function Centre at Bankstown.
I will be supporting the motion on tonight's agenda for Inner West Council to make a submission about how important this route is for students, the arts industry and even retail - but we need it to connect to St Peters Station to cater and ideally take students from the Newtown High School of the Performing Arts to NIDA.
Please make submissions about how important the 370 bus service is to you at https://www.mysydney.nsw.gov.au/SE_bus_changes
Post Authorised by Sylvia Hale, The Greens NSW,
Suite D, Level 1 275 Broadway Glebe NSW 2037

Please make a submission by 30 June 2021." - https://www.mysydney.nsw.gov.au/SE_bus_changes


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