Mayoral and Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

In July 2017 it was resolved by the Administrator that there would be 2 staff for the Mayor and 4 to be shared between the other 14 councillors. Many of the sacked former Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt Councillors took up appointments on the administrators advisory committee and I expect advised on the resourcing. 

There has been no transparency of the structure of the Mayors office and there is not even a current staff structure on the council website. Councillors resolved in July 2018 in adopting the Councillors Facilities and Expenses policy to receive quarterly reports on expenditure against budget. 

From 2 staff supporting the Mayor and 4 staff supporting the councillors  to 2 supporting the Councillors and a blow out in Mayoral Facilities reported in an exclusive article in the SMH.

Exclusive use’: Sydney mayor’s estimated $500k team revealed amid GM stoush By Angus Thompson, April 10, 2021 — 5.00am

July 2017 Resolution: 

"Number of exclusive staff supporting Mayor and Councillors [where applicable Clause 10] Six staff, Two staff supporting the Mayor and four staff supporting the councillors" - Supplementary Agenda 1 Council Meeting/minutes TUESDAY 25 JULY 2017

Adoption of the policy (3 July 2018)

"As the amendment was carried, it was included as part of the primary motion.
3. To provide a quarterly update of total actual expenditure versus facilities budget.
Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Macri, , Passas, Porteous, Stamolis, Steer and York
Against Motion: Cr McKenna OAM "

Source: C0718 Item 3  Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy, Extraordinary Council Meeting 3 July 2018

C0718 Item 5      Delegations to the General Manager - Contracts

Motion: (York/Drury)


1. The information be received and noted and that Council delegate to the General Manager power to enter into contracts up to $1,500,000; and  

2. Information on tenders issued and awarded under delegations by the General Manager be reported to Council for information only at the next possible council meeting.

Motion Carried
For Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and York
Against Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer

Amendment (Porteous/Stamolis)
THAT point 1 be replaced with “the information be received and noted and that Council delegate to the General Manager power to enter into contracts for tenders be up to $500,000”
Motion Lost
For Motion: Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas and York  

Foreshadowed Motion (Kiat)
THAT Council delegate to the General Manager the power to enter into contracts except those for which Council must invite tenders as per the Local Government Act.

This Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.

Source Minutes Extraordinary Council Meeting 3 July 2018

Mayoral and Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy adopted July 2018

"This policy enables the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to Councillors to help them undertake their civic duties....

10. Additional facilities for the Mayor

10.1 Council will provide to the Mayor a maintained vehicle to a similar standard of other Council vehicles, with a toll tag and a fuel card. The vehicle will be supplied for use on business, professional development and attendance at the Mayor's office.

10.2The Mayor must keep a log book setting out the date, distance and purpose of all travel. This must include any travel for private benefit. The log book must be submitted to Council on a monthly basis.

10.3 The Mayoral Allowance will be reduced to cover the cost of any private travel recorded in the log book, calculated on a per kilometre basis by the rate set by the Local Government (State) Award.

10.4 A parking space at Council’s offices will be reserved for the Mayor’s Council-issued vehicle for use on official business, professional development and attendance at the Mayor’s officee

10.5 Council will provide the Mayor with a furnished office incorporating a computer configured to Council’s standard operating environment, telephone and meeting space.

10.6 In performing their civic duties, the Mayor and councillors will be assisted by a small number of staff providing administrative and secretarial support, as determined by the General Manager.

10.7 As per Section 4, staff in the Mayor’s office are expected to work on official business only, and not for matters of personal or political interest, including campaigning.

Traffic or parking fines incurred while travelling in private or Council vehicles on Council business is the sole responsibility of the person driving the vehicle."

Source: Expenses and Facilities Policy, 6 July 2018, This policy applies to the elected Council. ID Number:76976.18 Custodian:Group Manager Integration, Customer Service, Business Excellence and Civic and Executive Support Approval: Council 11 September 2018





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