Walking from Iron Cove to the Cook's River

The walk from Iron Cove to the Cook's River is about 7km. 

At Cooks River, 2018

It is well connected to Buses along Parramatta Road, Light Rail between Leichhardt North and Dulwich Hill and Heavy Rail at Lewisham and Dulwich Hill.

There have been some changes since I did the Leichhardt to Cook's River by Folding Bicycle in January 2010. Since then the light rail has been extended to Dulwich Hill and there has been development at Lewisham and Summer Hill.









Leichhardt to Cooks River by folding Bicycle January 2010

Lewisham West,Jan 2010

Light Rail, Lewisham West, Nov 2018



Taverner's Hill2018


Feb 2021: Westconnex undermined the Hawthorne Canal and subsequent Subsidance affected the bridge at Blackmore Oval



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