Harmonisation of Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marricville Rates


There will be a second Extraordinary Council meeting, on monday night at 6.30 via zoom, to determine whether we make a submission to IPART (Independent Pricing Regulatory Tribunal) for a new Harmonised Residential minimum of $850 across the Inner West LGA. 
The proposal is only to change the minimum, which affects how much individual properties pay. It will not to change the amount of income the Council gets to deliver services. 
To increase the revenue that council collects would require a Special Rate Variation (SRV).
The alternatives for Harmonisation are not to exceed the Marrickville Residential Minimum Rate of $710. The Leichhardt Residential Minimum is $686. 
If Council does not determine a Residential minimum for next financial year. We have been advised that the default of $546 will apply across the LGA. $820 is the Ashfield Business Minimum. Ashfield has a base residential rating structure instead of a Minimum. 
State Government has legislated that "New" Council have to harmonise their rates for the next financial year. However, they are only now introducing legislation into parliament to allow phasing in of harmonised rates. 
Ashfield and Marricville Councils applied and were granted SRVs in 2015. 
Draft Unconfirmed Minutes for the Extraordinary Council meeting held last Tuesday to discuss Harmonisationof Rates are now available. We did not resolve any of the four resolutions https://innerwest.infocouncil.biz/Open/2021/02/C_23022021_MIN_3825_EXTRA_WEB.htm


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