Ashfield Aquatic Centre Naming and Costs

 30 November 2020

At last night's council meeting Inner West Council adopted the following names for Ashfield Aquatic Centre facilities:

1.   Grandstand: Warwick Webster;

2.   Olympic pool: Neville Bayfield OAM;

3.   Outdoor Leisure Pool and family area: Edna Willson’s Pond; and

4.   Marshalling area: ‘The Green’

My Amendments 

6. restore the Warwick Webster Plaque on the Grandstand

7. Incorporate interpretive signage into the name plaques for each of the spaces


Also on the Agenda was Item No: C1220(1) Item 28 Subject:"Final" Pool Costs - Ashfield Aquatic Centre  

Design & Consultant Fees


Project Management Fees


Construction including $1.5m value management target (The approved contract sum for FDC was $37,250,432 excluding value management savings of $1,500,000 that Officers were instructed to negotiate with FDC.)




forecast final Total Cost (Council approved $44,752,145 for the redevelopment of the Ashfield Aquatic Centre (AAC) at the meeting of 13 November 2018.)


$927,000 works were funded from other capital works budgets.

  • Audio visual system funded from  ICT reserve
  • Repair cracks & retile indoor pool funded from the s94 COVID stimulus funding
  • Solar panel system funded from the Environmental Reserve (unsuccessful grant application). Solar panels on car park scrapped.
  • footpath and pedestrian crossing on Elizabeth Street funded from the road depreciatio
  • Hoist within the accessible WC funded from the Accessibility budget

A confidential report was provided details.

Council Meeting 27 February 2018

Item No:         C0218 Item 3

Subject:         Ashfield Aquatic Centre Redevelopment - Project Update           

Prepared By:     Josephine Bennett - Group Manager Recreation and Aquatics and Daryl Jackson - Financial Partnering and Analytics Manager  

Authorised By:  John Warburton - Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement


This report provides an update on the Ashfield Aquatic Centre redevelopment, including design, development application, project costs and capital budget, operating budget model, and discussions with Water Polo NSW regarding on-going use of the centre.....


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