Cost of Amalgamation of Leichhardt, Ashfield and Marrickville Councils

Last night, in the light of the Officer's comments (below) regarding the ongoing process of Amalgamation, I withdrew my motion for a report on the cost. 

Council Meeting

24 November 2020

Item No:         C1120(2) Item 9
Subject:         Notice of Motion: Cost of Amalgamation
From:             Councillor Marghanita Da Cruz
THAT Council receive a report on the cost of the amalgamation.
Officer’s Comments:
Comment from Chief Operating Officer, Director Development and Recreation
Council does not have compiled costs or savings as a result of the amalgamation. Given the considerable period of time which has lapsed since the amalgamation, this is an extensive project in its own right which is expected to take several (up to 6) months to complete.  It should be recognised that in the early part of 2021, Council’s Finance team will heavily focused on Rates Harmonisation and FY21/22 budget development from which staff resources are unable to be diverted. 


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