Glysophate -state of play

In June 2020 Bayer, who acquired Monsanto in 2018, announced it would settle $US10.9 billion in lawsuits alleging Glysophate-based Roundup causes cancer. In the US Bayer is appealing three cases which ruled against Monsato largely because it did not properly warn people of the need for protective clothing when applying the weedkiller.1

In January 2020 due to community pressure the US EPA commenced a review of the Glyphosate Registration. The Review investigated the effects on Human Health and Ecological Impacts.

The interism decision found adverse ecological risks. The mitigation of these riske requires updated labelling to raise awareness of potential effects to pollinator habitat and provide better instructions on minimizing spray drift due to the following effects on Terrestrial and Aquatic Plants, Birds, Mammals and Terrestrial Invertebrates.2


SourceL EPA (US) Glyphosate Interim Registration Review Decision Case 0178 January 2020

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority asserts “The highest risk for you as a user is not using a pesticide—or any chemical—as directed on the label.“ and “that all registered glyphosate products are safe provided they are used as per the label instructions

"The researchers painted the bees' backs with colored dots so they could be tracked and later recaptured. Three days later, they observed that the honeybees exposed to glyphosate lost some of the beneficial bacteria in their guts and were more susceptible to infection and death from harmful bacteria."

In September 2019, Germany announced it would phase out the controversial weed killer glyphosate because it wipes out insect populations crucial for ecosystems and pollination of food crops

Inner West Council Policies on Weed Management

Other Councils

Answers to Question Regard Glphosate use by Inner West Council  Aug 11, 2020

It took Council Officers several months to provide less than illuminating answers to questions put on notice in April 2020


1Bayer pays out $15.9b to settle Roundup cancer claims, 25 June 2020,

Further Reading on Glyphosate




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