Council Meeting 25 August 2020

On Chandos Street closure 2. Local Traffic Committee Meeting - August 2020 amendments:

  1. Notes the safety concerns of residents on Chandos Street
  2. Note that the IWC Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS), relied in the report to the Traffic Committee, was written prior to the opening of the M4 East tunnel. As such it does not contain current traffic data, and needs to be updated and reviewed prior to any local road closures being implemented.
  3. Note that Transport for NSW has advised it has received over 3,000 submissions to their proposed changes to local roads in the area and will provide a further consultation report in September 2020.
  4. Write to Transport NSW to provide an updated traffic study for the area as required by a condition of the opening of the M4 East; fund council to review and implement the IWC LAIS in the light of the traffic study.

Moved 3. Changes to the Code of Conduct, Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice

That council retain:
  1. the $50 gift limit 
  2. the token cap on the value of meals and refreshments that may be accepted by council officials in conjunction with the performance of their official duties
  3. the appointment of Reviewers is by council resolution.
  • The code of meeting practice to be amended to incorporate the amendments to the ACT as set out in the OLG 20-09 Circular Compliance with social distancing requirements to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus at council and committee meetings tp permit Council and committee meetings to be held remotely, and individual councillors can participate in meetings remotely.
On 8. Notice of Motion: RBA statements: problematic for Sydney communities amendment:
  •  Notes that council officers are currently preparing a submission on Housing Diversity SEPP Explanation of Intended Effect


Unconfirmed Minutes of Council Meeting 11/08/2020
Reports for Council Decision
1. Kirkbride Precinct (Callan Park) Expression of Interest Recommendation Minute
2. Local Traffic Committee Meeting - August 2020 Attachments Recommendation Minute
LTC Meeting Minutes August 2020
3. Changes to the Code of Conduct, Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice Attachments Recommendation Minute
Code of Conduct 2020
Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct 2020
Code of Meeting Practice 2020
Reports for Noting
4. Investment Report as at 31 July 2020 Attachments Recommendation Minute
IWC Jul20
IWC Economic and Investment Portfolio Commentary Jul20
Rescission Motions
5. Notice of Motion to Rescind: C0419(1) Item 5 Local Traffic Committee Meeting: Ltc0419 Item 6 - Gannon Lane, Tempe - 30 April 2019 Recommendation Minute
Notices of Motion
6. Notice of Motion: Support for elected local government officials in Turkey Recommendation Minute
7. Notice of Motion: Tree DCP data: analysis Recommendation Minute
8. Notice of Motion: RBA statements: problematic for Sydney communities Recommendation Minute
9. Notice of Motion: Council Meeting - Rooms Recommendation Minute
10. Notice of Motion: Garbage cancellations Recommendation Minute
Questions From Councillors
11. Question on Notice: Cladding Minute



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