Westconnex Test Blasts in Reserve Street Annandale, 27 July 2020

Update: Residents have reported feeling the explosions in their homes. Results of the Westconnex test blasting in Reserve St Annandale. Their licence range at one of the test points - 9.3 license is 10. Test Results (though month wrong in table) at: "Westconnex Environment Protection Licence Monitoring Data

Project Name: WestConnex Stage 3A - M4-M5 Link Mainline Tunnels
Monitoring Period: July 2020
Licensee: Samsung C&T Corporation, Bouygues Construction Australia Pty Ltd, Lendlease Engineering Pty Limited
Environment Protection Licence Number: 21149
Premise Address: WestConnex between M4 East at Haberfield and The New M5 at St. Peters, Marrickville NSW 2204
Public Register: https://apps.epa.nsw.gov.au/prpoeoapp/Detail.aspx?instid=21149&id=21149&option=licence&searchrange=licence&range=POEO%20licence&prp=no&status=Issued
Monitoring Type: Ground Vibration Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) Monitoring
1.E2: Controlled Blasting Trial...


"EPA needs to make the Assessment of the Test Blasting public." - Clr Marghanita da Cruz, Inner West Council

Temporary Monitoring Equipment Reserve Street Annandale

There were three incremental test blasts the morning. One before 10am (approx 9.40am, and two later between 10 and 11.30am.

Temporary Monitoring Equipment was placed on the ground at various locations in the vicinity. There is also other more permanent montitoring equipment like survey markers in footpaths, equipment on electricity poles and inground monitors.

I was advised by the Westconnex personnel that the results of each test were analysed before the subsequent incremented test blast. The results will be provided to the EPA.

M4-M5 Link Tunnels: Work notification | 20 July 2020
Controlled trial blast - Reserve Street, Annandale

"Due to a section of hard sandstone underneath Annandale, the M4-M5 Link Tunnels team is trialling a number of different tunnelling methodologies to complete this work safely and efficiently. The Project is exploring the viability of using controlled blasting as an excavation method. Controlled blasting is a common tunnel excavation method that has been safely used on other Sydney tunnel projects and may reduce the overall noise and vibration impacts when compared to other excavation methodologies"....https://www.westconnex.com.au/media/l32chdyn/200714_mt209-trial-blast-in-annandale_approved_alternate-map_approved.pdf

M4-M5 Link Tunnels
Controlled Blasting Factsheet | 2020

What is controlled blasting?
Controlled blasting is a tunnelling method commonly used to excavate hard rock using small charges to break up the rock. It involves pre-drilling a series of small diameter holes in the rock face, loading the holes with small charges and detonating them to break the rock into removable pieces"... https://www.westconnex.com.au/media/d4vjdfei/ll_wx-blasting-fact-sheet_d5_web-copy.pdf

WestConnex info line
1800 660 248
email info@m4-m5linktunnels.com.au
or visit westconnex.com.au/ roads-projects/m4-m5-link- tunnels/ for more information.

Environment Protection Authority - NSW Licence version date: 24-Jul-2020 - 200724-final-eplv-21149.pdf downloaded 24 July 2020 from Document Library westconnex.com.au

M4-M5 Link Mainline Tunnels Trial Blast Monitoring Program
13 July 2020 Version 01 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED trial-bmp-rev01-1.pdfhttps://www.westconnex.com.au/media/uveftwyn/trial-bmp-rev01-1.pdf downloaded 24 July 2020 from Document Library westconnex.com.au

Trial Blast Management Strategy M4-M5 Link Mainline Tunnels SSI_7485
16 July 2020 trial-bms-rev02-rd-1.pdf downloaded 24 July 2020 from Document Library westconnex.com.au

Westconnex Monitoring Equipment Reserve Street


  1. Westconnex Annandale Test Blasts nearly exceed license. Tests were carried out where tunnels at their deepest. Alarmingly, Westconnex proposed to use this technique where tunnels are just 12-14m under homes.
    Test Results (though month wrong in table) at https://www.westconnex.com.au/media/lgbcbzf2/200812-trial-blast-monitoring-data-4656.pdf

  2. Tunnel about 37m at Reserve Lane where tests were carried out https://stage3a.anzgeo.com/


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