Streetscape Operations Service Reve (Inner West Council Meeting at Leichhardt) 25 June 2019

Streetscape Operations Service Reve (Inner West Council Meeting at Leichhardt) 25 June 2019

C0619(2) Item 3  Streetscape Operations - Service Review

Motion: (Passas/Macri)


1.   Adopt a service standard for street sweeping of seven days per week for mainstreets;


2.   Retain the existing service standard for street sweeping of a 40 working day cycle for residential streets;


3.   Adopt option 4 – extending a full verge mowing service in the former Ashfield LGA and rescind the Mowing of Verges Policy of the former Ashfield Council;


4.   Adopt a service standard for verge maintenance of a 20 working day cycle from November to March and a 40 day working cycle from April to October;


5.    Develop an Inner West Street Gardens Policy, allowing residents to plant and maintain the verge in front of their property; and


6.    Have available an on-call verge maintenance hotspot crew, during each season, should there be unseasonably warm weather which necessitates additional maintenance.

Motion Carried

For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Drury, Iskandar, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Raciti, Stamolis, Steer and York

Against Motion:          Crs Da Cruz, Hesse, Kiat and Porteous


Foreshadowed Motion: (Da Cruz/Kiat)


1.   Adopt a service standard for street sweeping of seven days per week for mainstreets;


2.   Retain the existing service standard for street sweeping of a 40 working day cycle for residential streets;


3.   Council maintains the mowing policy of the former Ashfield Council in relation to Verges in the former Ashfield LGA and;


a)    Notes the cost of extending the verge mowing service to the old Ashfield LGA would cost $1.2 million (or $720,000 if privatised);


b)    Notes that there has been no community consultation on whether residents in Ashfield wish their rates to be spent in this way; and


c)    Consults with the community in the old Ashfield LGA on measures to improve street amenity, including options such as verge mowing, garden planting, preventing and addressing illegal dumping, and footpath repairs or upgrades, with a view to spending some or all of the $1.2 million saved per year by not extending the verge mowing service.


4.   Adopt a service standard for verge maintenance of a 20 working day cycle from November to March and a 40 day working cycle from April to October.


5.   Council consults with the community on a Verge Maintenance Policy to transition away from council maintained lawn verges to:


      i)council maintained habitat verges  providing where required paths connecting the footpath and kerbs or


      ii)resident maintained verges including grass lawn and providing where required         paths connecting the footpath and kerbs.


The Foreshadowed Motion lapsed.

Minutes at

Sustainable Streets

Council maintains our streets on a full time basis, with a combination of staff and contractors. At the Council meeting on 25 June 2019, new harmonised service standards for the Inner West were adopted. The new standards are as follows:...


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