Walk to the Sydney Fish Market (27 May 2020)

The Sydney Fishmarkets were due to be demolished and so, a walk and lunch at the markets on this beautiful day was a treat.
Unfortunately the outdoor seating had been fenced of due to COVID-19 but we did manage to get takeaway and find a table to sit at near the auction room floor.

Every second table was crossed out. The Market was quiet but not deserted. We decided to catch the Tram back to Annandale. Fortunately, we were just ahead ot the end of the school day and got home safely.

Bubbler Bicentennial Park, Glebe

Sydney Fishmarket

There was much excitement on Tuesday as the lights at the intersection of Johnston and Booth Street were out and police were directing traffic.

When the number of pedestrians accumulated the police would stop the traffic in all directions to allow passengers to cross. This meant it was safe to cross diagonally from the North Annandale to the post office.

A limb from a tree outside the appartments next to the bank had fallen on electricity lines and there was standing room only at the cafe across the road to watch the show.

Returning from a walk to the fishmarkets on the following day the tree had been chopped into pieces and was stacked along the footpath.


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