Impacts of Westconnex Stage 1 Local area improvement strategy (LAIS)

In April, RMS released plans for changes to roads in the inner west following the opening of Westconnex Stage 1 tunnel portals at Parramatta Road and Wattle Street (Ashfield and Haberfield). In 2016, the Administrator (of the amalgamated Inner West Council) commissioned a study which made recommendations on mitigating the effects of the opening of Stage 1 of Westconnex.

RMS: "Haberfield, Ashfield and Leichhardt local network improvements"

The RMS plans are on exhibition until May 24.

Interactive Map of changes for comments viewed on 21 May at

"Transport for NSW is planning for improvements to the road network in the Haberfield, Ashfield and Leichhardt areas to make travel to and around the area easier and safer for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians."
Changes at
  • City West Link, Norton Street and James Street
  • Dobroyd Parade and Waratah Street
  • City West Link, Mortley Avenue and Timbrell Drive
  • Parramatta Road and Dalhousie Street "
More Information and Make submissions  at

Inner West Council 2016-8 Local area improvement strategy (LAIS)

Inner West Council under the administrator commissioned a report on the operational impact of Westconnex. The report made recommendations on what should be done to ameliorate the effect of the opening of WestConnex (stage 1) which includes tunel portals on Parramatta Road and Wattle Street at Ashfield/Haberfield. The estimated total cost of LAIS works is up to $29million and further community consultation would be required.

These are the measures proposed in the LAIS for Haberfield, Ashfield, Leichhardt and Annandale.


Local area improvement strategy

In late 2016 Council  [Administrator] resolved to undertake a study to assess the operational traffic impacts WestConnex will have on residential streets in the Inner West Council area....

Officer's report to 8 May 2018 Council meeting

To view the officer’s report on the WestConnex LAIS, visit Council's business papers and minutes page.

Final LAIS report

The final WestConnex LAIS report is available here. Itcomprises the main report by Beca Australia, and a traffic modellingreport by Veitch Lister Consulting (Appendix E).


Legal advice

Advice from prominent Sydney barrister Tim Robertson SC has indicatedthat there is no chance of Inner West Council mounting a successfullegal challenge against the unpopular WestConnex motorway project.

You can view the advice below:...


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