Mental Health and Information for Parents

Please keep in mind that somethings that happen in our neighbourhoods during the day may be unfamiliar to those who went out to work or school for most of the day.

This is a good opportunity to get to know your neighbourhood and neighbours. Social distancing requirements means there is an opportunity to keep your space without appearing rude.

In fact it is now rude not to keep your distance. We are all affected by the stress of our new lives.

Lifeline has useful general information

Information for parents and carers about learning from home is available in multiple languages  (Arabic (PDF 12KB)
Bengali (PDF 116KB)
Burmese (PDF 123KB)
Chinese-simplified (PDF 334KB)
Chinese – traditional (PDF 347KB)
English (PDF 116KB)
French (PDF 231KB)
Greek (PDF 243KB)
Indonesian (PDF 230KB)
Italian (PDF 230KB)
Japanese (PDF 173KB)
Khmer (PDF 124KB)
Korean (PDF 266KB)
Persian (Farsi) (PDF 119KB)
Portuguese (PDF 231KB)
Punjabi (PDF 271KB)
Spanish (PDF 196KB)
Thai (PDF 92KB)
Turkish (PDF 260KB)
Vietnamese ((PDF 249KB)) at


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