COVID-19 Timeline

"On 31 December 2019, the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City"...

2 January 2020: NSW Premier declares third [Bushfire] State of Emergency
"On January 16, Chun Jong-yoon, the chief executive and founder of molecular biotech company Seegene, told his team it was time to start focusing on coronavirus.".. 

On January 23, 2020, Wuhan in Hubei provence China was locked down - January 23, 2020 / 9:59 PM / 3 months ago Wuhan lockdown 'unprecedented', shows commitment to contain virus: WHO representative in China.

16 February: "Emma and her two children have now been in the detention centre for more than 10 days, and are set to fly home on Monday."... Coronavirus evacuee documents her time in quarantine on Christmas Island Compiled by Bang Xiao and Sally Brooks Updated

On February 12, the Korean Centre for Desease Control fast tracked approval of Seegene’s test kit for use in two weeks. European health authorities had approved the test five days earlier... Forbes 5 April 2020 -

By February 23, 691 cases were confirmed on the Diamond Princess cruise ship which had been anchored in Yokohama since February 3, 2020. - Source: Nakazawa E, Ino H, Akabayashi A. Chronology of COVID-19 Cases on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship and Ethical Considerations: A Report From Japan [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 24]. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2020;1–8. doi:10.1017/dmp.2020.50

March 16 - MUA writes to  Prime Minister, The Health Minister, The Minister for Agriculture (Biosecurity) and the Chief Medical Officer

16 March 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Quarantine) Order 2020 under the Public Health Act 2010

20 March 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Lord Howe Island) Order 2020 under the Public Health Act 2010
24 March 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Residential Aged Care Facilities) Order 202025 March 2020 - Public Health (COVID-19 Self-Isolation) Order 2020 under the Public Health Act 2010
26 March Australian National Cabinet Statement on coronavirus (COVID-19)

29 March 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order 2020

29 March 2020 - NSW Exemption under Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order 2020

29 March 2020 - Public Health (COVID-19 Maritime Quarantine) Order 2020

30 March 2020 - NSW Letter from the Chief Health Officer - Travel of unaccompanied children to NSW, Australia

30 March 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020

4 April 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Amendment Order 2020

4 April 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation and Maritime Quarantine) Amendment Order 2020

9 April 2020 - NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Spitting and Coughing) Order 2020​

10 April 2020 - NSW Public Health Amendment (COVID-19 Spitting and Coughing) Regulation 2020 ​

15 April 2020 "A special commission of inquiry will be established to investigate the events surrounding the Ruby Princess cruise ship."..


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