NSW Government - The Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020-2030

Some good things - but a bit late! 
- better basix and Nabers
- better fuel consumption advice
-transition to electric buses 
-encouraging councils to transition to electric fleet
-hydrogen storage

Extracts from the March 2020 Report  


The investment will be targeted by running competitive funding
processes that co-fund:
  1. the deployment of fast electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  2. vehicle fleet owners, such as car rental companies, car share companies and local councils, to procure electric vehicles.
The NSW Government will support amendments to the National
Construction Code and NSW Building Sustainability Index (BASIX)
to ensure new buildings are electric vehicle-ready. This could involve
requiring new buildings to provide electrical conduits and wiring
to make it easy to install electric vehicle charging equipment. This
builds on recent simplifications to NSW planning policies to support
the rollout of electric vehicles. Licensing and parking regulations will
also be amended to support the uptake of electric vehicles and the
efficient rollout of charging infrastructure.
By rolling out fast and conveniently located charging infrastructure
across the State and making new buildings electric vehicle ready, more
NSW motorists will be encouraged to purchase an electric vehicle
regardless of whether they live in their own home, a tenanted property
or an apartment with or without a private car space.
By encouraging vehicle fleet procurers to buy electric vehicles, their
bulk purchasing power will incentivise importers to sell a greater
range of electric vehicle models. This means the NSW electric
vehicle market will become increasingly competitive and lower cost.
Co-funding fleets with the private or local government sector will
bring a substantial number of new electric vehicles into New South
Wales. These vehicles are typically resold to the second-hand market
after three to five years, giving NSW drivers more electric vehicle
options at a lower cost."

Under existing national rules, new light vehicles sold in Australia must display a sticker that tells consumers about their typical fuel consumption. The sticker also includes the average number of grams of carbon dioxide emitted per kilometre driven by that vehicle.
However, this information can be difficult to assess meaningfully.
The NSW Government will work to extend this scheme by requiring
additional information to be provided on the typical yearly fuel costs of each vehicle and an easy to understand fuel economy star rating. By providing this additional information, consumers looking to purchase their next car will benefit from clear information about the everyday costs and environmental impact of each model. This information will also be provided as part of the annual vehicle registration process, and motorists will be provided with an option to offset their vehicle’s carbon emissions when they register their
car each year. These offsets will be invested in NSW-based projects, such as revegetating the State’s national parks or providing solar to remote communities."

The technology to produce low-emissions hydrogen has been
successfully piloted on a small scale but is yet to be proven to be
economically viable. By 2030, the hydrogen market could be worth
up to $1 billion, increasing fuel and electricity system security while
attracting green investment.
To boost the commercialisation of low-emissions hydrogen
production and applications, the NSW Government will establish
a Hydrogen Program that will help the scale-up of hydrogen as
an energy source and feedstock. The NSW Government will set an
aspirational target of up to 10% hydrogen in the gas network by
2030. This could have benefits for the transport, energy storage,
ammonia, glass, metal and electronics production industries. This will
also develop NSW's potential as a competitive hydrogen exporter to
a growing international market.
The Hydrogen Program will offer competitively-based grants for
demonstration, research and development and commercialisation
projects. The program will require co-investment from the private
sector and is identified as a priority program for Bilateral funding.
Developing the hydrogen industry has other benefits for New South
Wales. A hydrogen market could improve energy reliability as there is
potential to use hydrogen in the gas network as a renewable energy
storage solution, essentially using it like a large battery to help firm-
up renewable energy generation. An active market would also help
reduce energy costs for other sectors, such as the long-haul transport
industry. It would also improve fuel security, reducing Australia’s
reliance on energy imports.

Ensure the NSW Government
leads by example
The NSW Government seeks to drive continuous resource efficiency
from government operations and limit its impact on the environment.
The NSW Government spends about $400 million each year on
electricity, operates 13,000 passenger vehicles for public sector staff
and manages approximately 15% of the State’s landmass on behalf of
the people of New South Wales.
The NSW Government’s purchasing power can help provide the
market with confidence and contracts to supply more affordable,
low emissions products and services to the market. Under the
NSW Government Resource Efficiency Policy (GREP), public sector
agencies are required to use resource-efficient technologies and
services to reduce costs and lead by example.
The NSW Government will build on its ambitions and commitments
under the GREP by:

  • more than doubling our solar target from 55,000 to 126,000 megawatt hours by 2024
  • offering our rooftops and other spaces for third parties to install solar PV systems
  • expanding NABERS ratings to other buildings managed by the NSW Government (such as schools and hospitals) once those ratings systems are available
  • purchasing our electricity from low emissions sources of generation
  • increasing our target for electric or hybrid passenger vehicles to 30% by 2023, with at least 10% to be fully electric
  • replacing Sydney’s bus fleet with electric buses
  • rolling out a new fleet of hybrid diesel-electric passenger trains from 2023 for regional lines.
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