Frankly the Australian and NSW health departments' information is pretty hopeless. The US Centre for Disease Control has pretty good information on the symptoms, pathways to infection and precautions

With regard to testing, it is just that - great if you have shares in the testing equipment.  The point is we can learn some stuff on how China managed the outbreak. One thing was implementing online education for the children. Hygiene is also really important.

YMCA NSW Announcement viewed 15 March 2020

_*Novel Coronavirus Update*_

As you would likely have seen reported in the media, the Australian Government Department of Health and NSW Health are currently monitoring the evolving situation regarding the Novel Coronavirus outbreak, originating in Wuhan, China.

*What is Coronavirus?*
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). 2019-nCoV is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.

*Should I be worried?*
Australia has an excellent health system and the risk to the public at this point in time is low. Only a small number of cases of this strain have been reported in Victoria and NSW to date.

NSW Health is monitoring the situation and has processes in place to identify any close contacts of cases confirmed in Australia.

Infection with the new coronavirus is now a notifiable condition under the NSW Public Health Act, so all cases and suspected cases must be reported by doctors to NSW Health public health authorities who will work to prevent spread of the infection.

*What is the Y doing to reduce the risk?*
The Y is closely monitoring the situation and adhering to Australian and New South Wales Government advice in relation to Novel Coronavirus.

We have placed additional hand sanitising stations and multilingual infection prevention signage as appropriate throughout our centres, for your convenience.

The Y is also following all our regular health and safety practices regarding cleaning of equipment, bathrooms and change rooms and our food handling procedures. This includes regular disinfection and checking of all swimming pools. All of our pools adhere to the Public Health Act, and NSW Health regulations which require that “public swimming pools and spa pools must be equipped with effective water circulation, filtration, disinfectant, and pH control systems.”

*What do I need to do?*
To protect our patrons, students and staff, we ask that members and students who have visited China in the past two weeks not attend our centres, services, programs or pools until 14 days have lapsed from their date of departure from China. Please contact your centre or service if this applies to you.

As per usual health and wellness guidance members, students and visitors who are unwell with respiratory illness should seek medical advice and remain at home until symptoms resolve.

We also ask that all members, students and visitors take the precautions advised by the public health experts including:
•    Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
•    When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
•    Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough.

*Where can I get more information?*
More information about Novel Coronavirus can be found on the NSW Health website <>.

Australian National Centre for Disease Control (CDC) - 2017

The AMA has been calling for  an Australian Centre for disease control since January 2017


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