Tomorrow night councillors are considering the 4th version of an
Inner West draft Tree DCP. The draft Tree DCP on the
Agenda includes:
- a greatly expanded exempt species list (section 5.2) and
- an Offset program (in section 5.5 C8) "However, there may be
circumstanc3es when there is no suitable location on site (for example,
in the case of small backyards); a financial contribution willl be
required to be paid to support public tree planting" fees are purportedly set out in Council's Fees and Charges.
- 1m exemption.
The environment committee has not been consulted or given their views on the version on tomorrow night's agenda.
Latest Public Exhibition
942 submissions were made to the exhibition of the 3rd Draft (52% said
they did not support). "Many comments focused on specific issues that
residents have had with trees and in most of these cases it was a
neighbour’s tree that was causing a problem. Other topics
included:Concern with the cost of maintaining trees;The need for more
information on what kind of trees to plant;Concern about reducing the
protection of trees;The height of a protected tree is too large (6m) and
will allow for too many; trees to be removed and general concerns
around tree risk" Report at
Previous Public Exhibition
489 submissions were received to the first version proposing a 0.5m examption - see graph of comments. Report and History at
The Canopy Targets for different land
zones in the Inner West are derived from the
Greater Sydney Commissions
Objective 30:Urban tree canopy cover is increased
"Urban tree
canopy along streets and in the public domain contributes to the Greater
Sydney Green Grid and makes walking and cycling more appealing. Greater
Sydney’s urban tree canopy is made up of trees along streets, in parks
and other public spaces, and on privately owned land including front and
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