Local Strategic Planning Statement

Item No:         C0220(2) Item 7 Inner West Council Agenda 25 Feb 2020
Subject:         Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement - Post Exhibition Report            
Prepared By:      Louise Higginson - Strategic Planner  
Authorised By:  Harjeet Atwal - Senior Manager Planning


THAT Council:

1.       Endorse the Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) (Attachment 1) for submission to the Greater Sydney Commission; and

2.       Delegate authority to the CEO to ‘make’ the LSPS following receipt of written support from the Greater Sydney Commission, addressing any requirements or conditions which may be included and publish it on the NSW Planning Portal.


The draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (draft LSPS) provides a broad land use planning vision for Inner West to 2036. The statement outlines the special characteristics which contribute to the local identity of the area, how growth and change will be managed into the future and where further strategic planning investigation is required. The statement is supported by a strong strategic evidence base, including, but not limited to, the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) and the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS). 

The LSPS will act as a link between the NSW Government's regional and district plans, and the priorities within Council’s community strategic plan. The LSPS will also be used to guide Council’s comprehensive Local Environmental Plan, Development Control Plan and Development Contributions Plan.

The Draft LSPS is required to be endorsed by Council and be sent to the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC) for the final assurance check on 3 March 2020. The LSPS can only be ‘made’ following receipt of written advice from the GSC stating that the Commission supports the statement as being consistent with the applicable regional and district plan (in this case the Eastern City District Plan). The LSPS must be made by 31 March 2020.


The Draft LSPS was publicly exhibited for five weeks from 23 September 2019 to 27 October 2019 and 182 submissions from individuals and interest groups were received. Overall, more than 89% of respondents agreed with the 20 year vision, the majority agreed with Council’s approach to improving the area’s liveability and to increasing the resilience of our environment and community to hazards. Significantly, over 91% of respondents agreed with and support Council’s proposal to develop a Blue/Green Grid. The Engagement Outcomes Report summarises the survey and submission results for the draft LSPS and can be found on the Your Say Inner West project page.


Key amendments recommended to the Draft LSPS as a result of the public exhibition, referral to state agencies and the GSC ‘health check’ include:

a.  Collaboration with Department of Planning Industry and Environment on a high-level principle-based planning strategy for the Marrickville and Dulwich Hill Urban Renewal Areas;
b.  Maps and actions that better reflect Inner West’s relationship to the Harbour (Sydney) CBD and the Innovation Corridor in the District Plan;
c.  Reframing and rephrasing of the ‘outcomes’ under Sections 6.1, 10.1 and 11.1 into actions and sub-actions to make it clear that we are not pre-empting the outcomes of investigations or advocacy;
d.  Add an additional link to the Blue/Green Grid link connecting Lewisham Station to Petersham Park and then further north to Leichhardt Market Place;
e.  Updating Planning Priority 3 to demonstrate a stronger commitment to protecting, maintaining and increasing the urban forest, native vegetation and habitat;
f.   Updating Planning Priority 4 to demonstrate a stronger commitment to enhancing water quality and waterway health;
g.  Strengthening of action in relation to open spaces and community facilities.

The draft LSPS, with all changes recommended can be found at Attachment 1.

Several of the recommended actions have funding implications, however many of the actions are dependent on the commitment and delivery of infrastructure from State Government. In these circumstances the Draft LSPS includes actions that will be undertaken only where there is funding/ delivery commitment by the relevant authority. Where the action is not dependent on the commitment of infrastructure or service delivery from an external government authority or agency, the implementation of the action will need to be considered in the development of a new Contributions Plan, Voluntary Planning Agreements and through Council’s Delivery Programs and budgeting process. A timeframe is identified for each action (short, medium, long term and ongoing) to assist in the prioritisation of infrastructure or services.

Attachment 1 has been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/about/the-council/council-meetings/current-council-meetings

Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement - (published separately on Council’s website)



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