Action would be good but back of an envelope BAU Cost of Inner West Carbon Neutrality by 2021


% of Emissions from each Source Source tonnes Offset $15/tonne*** Offset $40/tonne****
11.00% Fuel 2420 $36,300 $96,800
10.00% Natural Gas 2200 $33,000 $88,000
35.00% Street Lights 7700 $115,500 $308,000
38.00% Electricity 8360 $125,400 $334,400
4.00% Food and Catering 880 $13,200 $35,200
1.00% Waste 220 $3,300 $8,800
1.00% Other 220 $3,300 $8,800

22000 $330,000 $880,000
Forecast Reduction 4,000 tonnes a year Morree Solar Farm power purchase *
-4000 -$60,000 -$160,000
reduction of 1,500 tonnes per year LED Street Lighting **
-1500 -$22,500 -$60,000

16500 $247,500 $660,000

**Greenfleet offers Per Tonne Offset (corporate) $15.00
****Germany will raise the price for greenhouse gas emissions from transport and heating buildings to 25 euros (25*1.61=AUD40.25) per ton from 2021

Report Inner West Council: 100% carbon neutral and renewable – Stage 1 (2018)


8.7 Likely costs to offset

It is recommended Inner West Council map out future emissions scenarios that vary the scope, timingand scale of abatement initiatives so that varying requirements for offsets can be developed and discussed.

Table 18 below estimates potential costs to offset indicative carbon volumes of 10,000 t CO2-e, 15,000t CO2-e and 20,000 t CO2-e to achieve carbon neutrality.
These levels would reflect low, moderate and significant levels of implementation of carbon abatement measures by Inner West Council.

The costs are based on a 2017 (54) paper for Inner West Council that sets out the process for and options relating to the sourcing of carbon offsets from local and international projects. Cost estimates were predicated on an assumed carbon footprint of 23,002 tonnes of CO 2 -e on an NCOS-basis. This draws on
the range of costs seen for:
    • local Australian projects (more expensive and low supply, but may be more acceptable by the community, for example VCS credits for Tasmanian native forest protection can be bought from $9.50),
    • international projects (for example, VCS carbon offsets from wind farm projects in China or India from $1.50 per tonne 55 ),
    • carbon offset projects with social benefits (for example REDD projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries and start at $4.50).


Inner West Council Gas, Electricity and Lighting Costs

GAS 2018 $749,000
GAS 2019 $593,000 (Ashfield Pool Closed)
Electricity 2018: $2,392,000
Electricity 2019: $3,230,000 (New Price * includes Moree Farm PPA)

Street Lighting 2018: $1,629,000
Street Lighting 2019: $1,663,000 (in the process of converting to LED Lighting)


Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greehouse Gas Inventroy June 2019


"The NSW Greens are calling for the state to return to carbon pricing to reduce emissions and tackle climate change.

NSW previously had a carbon pricing scheme. In fact, according to the Greens, it was the first place in the world to enact such a program. It ran from 2003 to 2012, during which NSW reduced its carbon emissions by 144 million tonnes.
NSW ended the program once the Federal Government introduced nationwide carbon pricing."

December 10, 2019: "We need to reduce our carbon emissions immediately, and we need to adapt our practices to deal with this kind of weather becoming the new normal," Mr Kean [NSW Liberal Minister for the Environment] said.


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