Westconnex Truck on Norton Street contrary to conditions of approval
Appendix B1Traffic and Transport and Access Management Sub-Plan
M4-M5 Link Mainline Tunnels June 2019 is at https://www.westconnex.com.au/sites/default/files/M4-M5%20Link%20Tunnels_TTAMP.pdf
Conditions from NSW Government
Department of Planning and Environment
Conditions of Approval for WestConnex M4-M5 Link SSI 7485
SSI 7485 MOD 1 determined 25 February 2019
Westconnex Truck Parramatta Road, 8 Nov 2019 |
E52 Construction vehicles (including staff vehicles) associated with the CSSI must be managed to:
(a) minimise parking on public roads;
(b) minimise idling and queuing on public roads; and
(c) ensure spoil haulage vehicles must adhere to the nominated haulage routes identified in the Traffic and Transport CEMP.
E53 The locations of all construction spoil haulage vehicles must be able to be monitored in real time and the records of monitoring be made available electronically to the Secretary and the EPA upon request for a period of no less than one year following construction.
Note: Refer to Condition A44 in relation to vehicle identification.
E49 Spoil haulage vehicles associated with the construction of the CSSI are not permitted to use local roads within one (1) kilometre of construction works and construction ancillary facilities, unless otherwise approved by the Secretary.
45E 49A Use of Route A as the primary route for spoil haulage from the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility is limited to the first two (2) months of spoil haulage commencing at the Northcote Street facility or once the G-Loop is operational, whichever is the sooner, unless an alternative
time period is agreed to by the Planning Secretary. During this time period, spoil haulage vehicles are permitted to use Route A only between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.
E49B Once the G-Loop is operational, use of Route A by spoil haulage vehicles is limited to the following circumstances:
(a) during the hours of 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) and 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Saturdays;
(b) during periods of maintenance and/or unserviceability of the G-Loop (such as repairs, signal failure, unauthorised standing of vehicles);
(c) in the event that there is an incident or maintenance works on the road network in the vicinity of the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility and the G-Loop that prevents spoil haulage vehicles from accessing or travelling on Route B;
(d) in the event that there is insufficient capacity for a spoil haulage vehicle to enter the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility and it must bypass the access gate; and
(e) in peak spoil generating period(s) of no greater than six months approved by the Planning Secretary.
Notwithstanding the above, the use of Route A is restricted to 7:00 am to 7:00 pm daily.
E49C The Proponent must submit to the Planning Secretary the following information when seeking the approval of the Planning Secretary under Condition E49B(e):
(a) the estimated dates and duration of the peak spoil generating period;
(b) the estimated hourly number of spoil haulage vehicle trips on Route A both during and outside the hours specified in Condition E49B(a) each day during the peak spoil generating period;
(c) at least six months of data as specified in Condition E49D(a) and (b); and
(d) analysis of the operational performance of the G-Loop, including the need to restrict the use of the G-Loop during the hours identified in Condition E49B(a).
E49D Within four (4) months following the commencement of tunnelling at the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility, and at three (3) monthly intervals thereafter until the completion of tunnelling and backfilling from that site, the Proponent must submit to the Secretary data which details on an hourly basis:
(a) the total number of spoil haulage vehicle trips associated with tunnelling and backfilling at the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility (inbound and outbound); and
(b) the number of trips (times) spoil haulage vehicles have used Route A, and Wattle Street / Parramatta Road (instead of the M4 East Motorway tunnels) when exiting the G-Loop, including the dates and times of use as well as the reasons for use of these routes noting the criteria for use specified in Condition E49B.
Notes: For the purposes of Conditions E49A and E49B:
1. Spoil haulage vehicles includes vehicles removing spoil from the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility during tunnelling and delivering spoil to the site to backfill the construction access tunnel;
2. Route A from the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility is left turn onto Wattle Street, left turn on Ramsay Street, left turn on Fairlight Street, left turn on Great North Road; and
3. Route B from the Northcote Street construction ancillary facility is left turn onto Wattle Street, continue along Wattle Street/Dobroyd Parade and left turn into G-Loop, right-hand turn onto Dobroyd Parade from G-Loop, continue along Dobroyd Parade / Wattle Street into M4 East tunnel or onto Parramatta Road.
46Construction vehicles must not use Robert Street, Rozelle to access the White Bay Civil Site.
E50A All heavy vehicles must only access and exit the Parramatta Road East and Parramatta Road West construction ancillary facilities via Parramatta Road during the operation of the facilities, except for when exiting the Parramatta Road West site and they need to travel east. In these circumstances the site may be exited via Bland Street or as otherwise approved by the Planning Secretary.
All requests to the Secretary for local road usage need to include a traffic and pedestrian impact assessment, and should include a swept path analysis if required. The traffic and pedestrian impact assessment, incorporated in the Site Establishment Management Plan or Traffic and Transport CEMP as relevant, must:
(a) demonstrate that the local road usage will not compromise the safety of the public and have minimal amenity impacts;
(b) provide details as to the date of completion of the road dilapidation surveys for the subject local roads; and
(c) describe the measures that will be implemented to avoid where practicable the use of local roads past schools, aged care facilities and child care facilities during peak times for operation.
Construction vehicles (including staff vehicles) associated with the CSSI must be managed to:
(a) minimise parking on public roads;
(b) minimise idling and queuing on public roads; and
(c) ensure spoil haulage vehicles must adhere to the nominated haulage routes identified in the Traffic and Transport CEMP.
The locations of all construction spoil haulage vehicles must be able to be monitored in real time and the records of monitoring be made available electronically to the Secretary and the EPA upon request for a period of no less than one year following construction.
Note: Refer to Condition A44 in relation to vehicle identification.
A Construction Parking and Access Strategy must be prepared and implemented to identify and mitigate impacts resulting from on- and off-street parking changes during construction of the CSSI. The Strategy must include, but not necessarily be limited to:
(a) confirmation and timing of the removal of on- and off-street parking associated with construction of the CSSI;
(b) parking surveys of all parking spaces to be removed to determine current demand during peak, off-peak, school drop off and pickup, and weekend periods;
(c) consultation with affected stakeholders utilising existing on- and off-street parking stock which will be impacted as a result of construction;
(d) assessment of the impacts of changes to on- and off-street parking stock taking into consideration outcomes of consultation with affected stakeholders;
(e) identification of mitigation measures to manage impacts to stakeholders as a result of on- and off-street parking changes including, but not necessarily limited to, staged removal and replacement of parking, provision of alternative parking arrangements, managed staff parking arrangements and working with relevant council(s) to introduce parking restrictions adjacent to work sites and compounds;
(f) provision of a shuttle bus service(s) to transport workers to site(s) and details of the shuttle bus service(s), including service timing and frequency;
(g) mechanisms for monitoring, over appropriate intervals, to determine the effectiveness of implemented mitigation measures;
47(h) provision of contingency measures should the results of mitigation monitoring indicate implemented measures are ineffective; and
(i) provision of reporting of monitoring results to the Secretary and relevant council(s) at three (3) monthly intervals.
The Construction Parking and Access Strategy must be submitted to the Secretary for approval at least one (1) month prior to the commencement of any works that impact parking. Source (viewed 29 Nov 2019):
One of at least two Westconnex M4 East Stage 1 Trucks (and Stage 1 marking) caught where it should not have been on Marion Street Leichhardt after turning from Elswick St on 12 Feb 2018 |
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