Yaama Ngunna Baaka 2019

First Corroborroee Walget


Corroboree Walgett


Setting off from Ultimo

lunch Dubbo
Cultural Information outside Brewarina
   Johny Cakes and Emu at Brewarrina Corroboree
4 mile reserve
Grinding Stone Brewarina Museum and 4 mile Creek Reseve
4 Mile Reserve (Brewarrina)

Wilcannia Camp Ground


4th Coroborree Wilcannia

Menindee Lakes

Heading Home on Train at Dubbo
Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth, a Muruwari and Budjiti man, invited us to attend Yaama Ngunna Baaka a festival of corroborees he organised on his country in Walgett, Brewarrina, Bourke and Wilcannia along lower Baaka (Darling River) and a final corroboree on the Menindee Lakes.

"Our rivers are the blood of the earth. Without water, nothing survives, there will be no life. We need our rivers to survive in order to survive ourselves." -Bruce Shillingworth https://mundagutta.com/corroboree-project

Uncle Bruce brought together many Dance Groups for the festival: 

Betina Bysouth (Menindee / Bendigo – 5 adults / 8 children)
Barkindji (Wilcannia – 9 dancers)
Budjiti (Enngonia – 6 dancers)
Cunnamulla (10 dancers)
Kamilaroi (Walgett – 5 dancers)
Mungundi (Moree – 1 boys and 1 girls group)
Murrawari (Goodooga)
Ngemba (Brewarrina – 6 dancers)
Wankamurra (Bourke – 25 dancers)
Wakagetti (Brewarrina)
Wiradjuri (Trangie)
Garul Giyalu Rock Mob (Katoomba – 15 dancers)
Yama Guroo (Sydney)
Koomurri (Sydney – 5 dancers)
Tal-Kin-Jeri (Adelaide, SA – 8 dancers)
Mujamundu (Quilpie, Qld – 2 adults / 4 children)... https://www.ngunna.com/dance/


  1. Ending 'aqua nullius': calls for laws to protect Indigenous water rights ( Fri 29 Jun 2018) https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jun/29/ending-aqua-nullius-calls-for-laws-to-protect-indigenous-water-rights


  2. 29 Oct 2019 - 3:21pm
    'There's two things I can hear: water and profit': Aboriginal man slams government's approach to water resources https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/2019/10/29/theres-two-things-i-can-hear-water-and-profit-aboriginal-man-slams-governments

  3. 'We need to wake up!' Aboriginal activist unleashes a furious rant as he slams selling water for profit as 'a second wave of genocide' during debate about Australia's drought https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/we-need-to-wake-up-aboriginal-activist-unleashes-a-furious-rant-as-he-slams-selling-water-for-profit-as-a-second-wave-of-genocide-during-debate-about-australias-drought/ar-AAJteXE

  4. “This Is The Second Wave Of Genocide”: Watch This ‘Q&A’ Audience Member Take The Panel To Task by Joseph Earp 29 October 2019 https://junkee.com/qanda-guest-water/226462

  5. Water warrior – Bruce Shillingsworth – says water mismanagement, corruption, corporate greed and capitalism has killed our rivers and his people need to be at the table for any ongoing decisions https://caama.com.au/news/2019/behind-the-scenes-water-warrior-bruce-shillingsworth-had-to-fight-for-his-voice-to-be-heard-on-q-a

  6. Watch Bruce Shillingsworth on Q and A

    Q and A twitter stream

  7. In this episode of Let’s Talk, Boe Spearim speaks with Muruwari and Budjiti man Bruce Shillingsworth, https://989fm.com.au/podcasts/lets-talk/lets-talk-bruce-shillingsworth/

  8. "resonate with the work of Muruwari and Budjiti artist Bruce" Building social change to meet climate challenge, South Sydney HeraldBy South Sydney Herald
    May 13, 2019 https://southsydneyherald.com.au/building-social-change-to-meet-climate-challenge/

  9. "The Yurungai Learning Centre is supported by Barnardo’s Australia and is staffed by teacher and coordinator, Helen Wilkinson, and support worker, Bruce Shillingsworth." -Guardian regifts to after-school carers South Sydney HeraldBy South Sydney Herald June 2, 2013 https://southsydneyherald.com.au/guardian-regifts-to-after-school-carers/


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