Today's perambulation to the Traffic Committee Meeting

As the alternate chair of the Traffic Committee for the last two years I have attended meetings and chaired a couple in the absence of the Councillor who was appointed Chair.

The Traffic Committee Meetings are once a month at Petersham which is a pleasant stroll through Annandale and Stanmore.

The Walk takes me past this 1900 Brick Sewer Vent 

Wonderful Paperbarks

Wonderful Paperbarks

Wayne Ashton Gallery, Northumberland Ave. The Wayne Ashton Gallery is run by Annandale couple, jewelry maker Libby Douglas and Artist/Author Wayne Ashton.

Opposite the Gallery on Northumberland Avenue is Natty's Cafe

Continuing across Parramatta Road, a sign about Chilli catches my eye.

So Inner West, Lou with his Chilli Sauce at Cocoacoffee where he has diversified into chilli sauce and oils as well as stocking dried chillies.

103 Parramatta Road Annandale

Louis and Terence roast their own coffee beans and make their own chocolate onsite and from scratch. All of their sources are direct trade - straight from the farmer to your coffee

Gum, Annandale Public School
Another beautiful tree in the grounds of the Annandale Public School, which is under threat from the on the fly amendments to the Tree DCP that were made on 27 August 2019 with the support of Liberal, Labor and Independents.
Crane at Westconnex Dive Site at cnr of Mallet St and Parramatta Road Annandale between Piano Factory buildings, Trafalgar Street


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