Permbulation & Bushcare Annandale-Leichhardt-Haberfield

Rozelle Bay Light Rail Station
 Walked down to the end of Annandale Street and caught the light rail at Rozelle Bay Station.

While waiting for the Tram checked out Westconnex destruction of trees in Buruwan Park.

Also noticed an impressive specimen of Grevillea longifolia (red flowers and saw tooth leaves)

Alighting at Leichhardt North, walked along Blackmore Oval where a new shared path is being constructed.

 Joined volunteers doing bushcare in Richard Murden Reserve.

We pulled out the weeds which were thriving and full of seeds.

But at the same time noticed that there were a lot of the local provenance plants that had been put in hanging in there and in the case of two ground covers  holding their own.

Interested in getting involved in Bushcare? 

No experience is required - all you need to bring is a hat and water, wear suitable clothing and sturdy shoes. A site supervisor will be there to get you started and will provide gloves, tools and morning tea....
Oysters on the Bank and Cormorants on Boom, Hawthorne Canal


Grevillea linearifolia

Grevillea sericea
Pig Face (Carpobrotus)

Foraging for Food

Warrigal Greens (Tetragonia tetragonioides) are thiving
After the Bushcare followed the Canal heading for Parramatta Road.

Burnt out Car on Canal Bank
The remains of a burnt out car were still on the river bank. According to other bushcare volunteers putting the fire out was quite a challenge.

Past the new multi-purpose courts, the Tea Trees were in their element in swampy ground.

Tea Trees, Richard Murden Reserve

 Haberfield Gardens

Continuing along the streets - haberfield gardens and verges were beautiful. At one point the sweet perfume of a flower covered lemon tree filled the air.

Australian Red Cedar (Toona ciliata)? or maybe Chinese Pistacio (Pistacia chinensis) or Chinese Mahogany or Cedar (Toona Sinensis)


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