Inner West Council's Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS) to protect our streets from WestConnex induced traffic

Cement Truck, Johnston Street
In 2016 the Administrator of Inner West Council's commissioned consultants to:
  • undertake traffic modelling to identify potentially-affected streets, and
  • develop a WestConnex Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS) to protect these streets.
identification on Westconnex Truck, Crescent Annandale
8 May 2018: C0518 Item 4      WestConnex Local Area Improvement Strategy
Motion: (Drury/McKenna OAM)
THAT Council:
1. Adopts the draft WestConnex Local Area Improvement Strategy (LAIS); and

Westconnex Truck, Crescent Annandale, 9 Sep 2019
2. Writes to the Minister for Roads and other relevant ministers, forwarding the         adopted LAIS with a request for funding of proposed LAIS works. Council to     argue that Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) funding is justified as the need for     these works is a direct result of WestConnex. Council recognises that while          Stage 3 may reduce traffic on some local streets, others will worsen as a result         of Stages 1, 2 and/or 3. Council remains opposed to all stages of WestConnex,      preferring public transport solutions to Sydney’s traffic congestion problems;    

3. Refine the costings prior to submitting it to the State Government with the    aim   of achieving high service level standards; and

4.Place notice and plans for Buruwan Park and King George's Park at the relevant locations.

Amendment (Da Cruz/Porteous)
THAT Council place notice and plans for Buruwan Park and King George's Park at the relevant locations.
Motion Carried
For Motion:  Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion: Crs Drury, McKenna OAM and Passas
Absent: Cr Raciti
As the amendment was carried, it was included as part of the primary motion.

Primary Motion Carried
For Motion:                 Crs Byrne, Da Cruz, Drury, Hesse, Iskandar, Kiat, Lockie, Macri, McKenna OAM, Passas, Porteous, Stamolis and Steer
Against Motion:          Nil
Absent:   Cr Raciti

Source: Minutes 8 May 2018


(Source: Officer's Report on 8 May Agenda

In late 2016 Council resolved to undertake a study to assess the operational traffic impacts WestConnex will have on residential streets in the Inner West Council area. ...

The LAIS identifies streets likely to be affected by increased traffic and proposes precinct-wide treatments to protect and improve these streets, based on three typologies:
Cement Trucks, The Crescent Annandale, 9 Sep 2019

·     Typology 1:  integrated traffic calming, e.g. slow points, thresholds, tadpoles, traffic islands/refuges and raised platforms;

·     Typology 2:  intersection modifications, e.g. roundabouts, T-treatments, Give Way and Stop signs/prioritisation; and

·     Typology 3:  traffic diversions, e.g. diagonal, partial and full road closures.

The proposed treatments are indicative and will require further investigation and community engagement before final draft schemes can be considered.

The LAIS study includes a strategic framework and broad cost estimates for traffic management, streetscape and water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) improvements for the following five precincts:

·     Precinct 1:    Ashfield   $1.0M to $4.0M;
·     Precinct 2:   Haberfield     $2.2M to $9.3M;
·     Precinct 3:   Leichhardt West $1.5M to $6.0M;
·     Precinct 4:   Johnston Street [Annandale] $1.8M to $7.2M;
·     Precinct 5:   St Peters           $0.5M to $2.2M; and

·     TOTAL   all five precincts     $7.0M to $28.7M.

It is recommended that Council seeks funding from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for the LAIS works. Subject to funding, the LAIS would be implemented in a similar way that all of Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) schemes are implemented, involving local community consultation, detailed design, approval and implementation.
Source: Officer's Report Agenda 8 May 2018
