Buruwan Park Rally for the Trees

Big turnup at Buruwan Park this morning.

WIRES had not been notified. There is at least one nest in the tree. The community will need to be vigilent.

@nowestconnexannandale @foreshorecommunity LAW - Leichhardt Against WestCONnex No WestConnex: Public transport not motorways Jamie Parker Councillor Jess Scully

 Message from "Foreshore Community"
M4 - M5 Rozelle Interchange

If you haven’t already heard RMS have released a modification to the M4-M5 Rozelle Interchange which will now include a new car overpass at The Crescent and significant changes to the promised pedestrian and cyclist access routes.  

The Crescent overpass and active transport links Modification will remove the continuous GreenLink connecting Rozelle across the City-West Link to the foreshore. The Greenlink was designed to safely reconnect Innerwest communities and provide direct access to the water.

There seem to be a number of significant impacts to our community and how we safely access the foreshore from Annandale, Lilyfield and Rozelle - even Forest Lodge and Glebe.

RMS are asking for feedback and it is the only opportunity to push them to look at alternate options and reinstate safe, direct access as in the approved GreenLink. We need all residents, community groups, clubs and interested groups to make a submission by Wednesday 18 September. You can do this electronically or writing to the DPIE.

Identified impacts for residents and commuters in the Innerwest wanting to access the foreshore and its facilities.

  • There will be significantly reduced safety and increased risk with removed pedestrian and cyclists access above The Crescent to Bicentennial Park.
  • Unsafe and indirect access across five sets of pedestrian lights at The Crescent to reach the foreshore/railyards. The part Greenlink and concrete plaza at Rozelle Bay light rail still require you to cross at the five sets of lights on The Crescent.
  • Removal of direct active links to the foreshore (including the new skatepark and kids playground), cutting our communities off from the foreshore and the proposed revitalisation of the entire Bays Precinct. 
  • The proposed modification has no updated Urban Design and Landscape Plan (or peer review ). The original EIS had both. The modification considerably changes the design intent of the approved EIS design. 
  • Traffic changes that limit movements around the suburb and create further congestion in the local streets of Annandale, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Lilyfield and Rozelle with no planning to deal with these but pushing them back on to Council.

We are asking you to now spread the word to your neighbours, to your colleagues, to  your clubs, to your networks, to your friends - and ask people to read the information.  

Further details  on the Modification at Facebook   https://www.facebook.com/foreshorecommunity

RMS portal for submissions.


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