'Yaama Ngunna Baaka' Corroborees Festival

Mosman Art Gallery, April 2019

Corroboree 2019 has been instigated by Bruce Shillingsworth and is taking form to happen from the 28 September to 3 October 2019 in the townships of the Lower Baaka. 

"Our rivers are the blood of the earth. Without water, nothing survives, there will be no life. We need our rivers to survive in order to survive ourselves" ...

Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament, 26 June 2019
"You are invited to "Yaama Ngunna Baaka" Corroboree Festival, a roving, week-long corroboree program to be held along the lower Baaka (Darling River) in early October 2019."... https://mundagutta.com/corroboree-project

"Informal and formal Aboriginal and Aboriginal dance networks have been activated by YAAMA NGUNNA BAAKA’s director, Bruce Shillingsworth Snr., who has a long history of working as a dancer, cultural educator and organiser across NSW. Bruce is a Murawari – Budgiti man from northwestern NSW, now residing in Waterloo, Sydney"....https://www.ngunna.com/performers/

Yaama Ngunna Barka Exhibition, Mosman Art Gallery


Bruce Shillingsworth - 2019 Corroboree Project - Yaama Ngunna Barka (Welcome to our River) 



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