Trucks avoiding the Westconnex Tunnel on Saturday Morning

Large Trucks seemed to be avoiding the Westconnex Tunnel and using Parramatta Road at Ashfield and Haberfield on Saturday morning, 13 July 2019

And hurtling past pedestrians and cyclists at 60kmph.

 "No Pedestrians, Horses Animals beyond this point" - Entrance to Westconnex Tunnel, Ashfield

Cyclist waiting to cross Parramatta Road at Ashfield Park

Truck with Dog Trailer Paramatta Road Haberfield, intersection with Liverpool Rd, 13 July 2019
Truck with Dog Trailer, Parramatta Road Annandale, 13 July 2019

Truck Parramatta Road Annandale, 13 July 2019

Truck hurtles past bus stop, Parramatta Rd (Nelson St) Annandale at 60kmph, 13 July 2019


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Infographic showing Stopping at different speeds
    at 30kmph: 30m - 21m thinking 9m breaking
    at 40kmph: 45m - 28m thinking 17m breaking!


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