Make safe work on Hunter Baillie, Annandale 23 July 2019

cnr of Johnston and Collins Sts Annandale, NSW.

The Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church was completed in 1889.

From the June 2019 Hunter Baillie Conservation Appeal Newsletter: "Both the Heritage Office and Inner West Council have given their permission for work to proceed at a cost of about $75,000. The main part of this work will be the removal of the 4 pinnacles at the base of the spire (one pinnacle has already been partially removed). It is unfortunate that the pinnacles cannot be imidiately replace, however, the cost of their replacement is currently beyond our means."

National Trust Hunter Baillie Memorial Church Conservation Appeal

 In In January 2015 the Hunter Baillie Church submitted an application to the NSW Heritage Office for a grant of $150,000 in order to continue the conservation (one might say “rescue”...

Restoration of Hill and Son Organ

After 20 years of fund raising the 1892 Hill and Son Organ inside the Church was restored in 2016....

Annandale Heritage Festival
Heritage Festival Open Day 2013

  Visit the Church and 1886 Hall.

The Church and Hall are very much still in use with for regular church services, concerts, weddings and annual events such as the Heritage Open Day and Kirk'n the Tartan.

Organ Recital on 1892 Hill and Son Organ

6.00pm Friday 25th July 2019

Organist Samuel Giddy.
Music by Handel, Purcel and Stanley

Phoenix Collective Concert 25 September 2019 at 2.30pm


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