Ashfield Pool and Elizabeth Street Playground

Blue behind earth mover is the indoor pool

13 July 2019: Redevelopment is proceeding. The indoor pool (not its building) and the grandstand will be the only bits retained.

This is a big project for Council the new facility will incorporate:
  • a gym
  • indoor pools
  • outdoor pools
  • a kids facility
  • community centre

Council has no community facilities in the vicinity, despite a significant population.

Ashfield Pool Grandstand

Community has been consulted on this Elizabeth St Playground - it is in much need of attention.


  1. Council Meeting TUESDAY 23 JULY 2019
    Item No: C0719(2) Item 6
    Subject: Delegation to execute Tcorp Loan for Ashfield Aquatic Centre
    Prepared By: Brendhan Barry - Manager Financial Services
    Authorised By: John Warburton - Deputy General Manager Community and Engagement


    THAT Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor to execute the Tcorp Loan documentation with respect to the Ashfield Aquatic Centre redevelopment.


    Previous Council Resolutions (27 February 2018, and 13 November 2018) endorsed redevelopment and associated funding of the Ashfield Aquatic Centre.

    The 2019-20 Operations Plan and Budget and Long Term Financial Plan 2019-29 funded the redevelopment via debt financing, based upon indicative rates and repayment plans from Tcorp.

    Council has received a Loan Agreement from Tcorp (Attachment 1). The loan principal is $40M, to be repaid over 20 years. Tcorp requires a resolution from Council, delegating authority to execute this Loan Agreement.


    Refer to 2019-20 Operating Plan / Budget and Long Term Financial Plan, which details all financial implications.

    The Attached loan documentation have been reviewed and cleared by Council’s internal Finance and Legal teams.

    Attachment 1 has been published separately in the Attachments Document on Council’s Website


    1.⇨ Inner West Council - Loan Agreement FY19 - (published separately on Council’s website)

    2.⇩ Indicative Repayment Schedule

    3.⇩ 2018-19 Inner West Letter of Offer


  2. Update on Project (downloaded 14 Aug 2019)

    The new facility is due to open in Summer 2020.
    Project updates

    Demolition and HAZMAT remedial works are complete.
    Detailed earthworks and piling continue onsite.
    Footings to the new building have recently commenced.
    Offsite design and fabrication of the steel elements has begun.


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