Opening of the St Peters Community Recycling Centre

Joined Clr Byrne (the Mayor) and Clr Iskander, Council and EPA Officers at the opening of the St Peters Comunity Recycling Centre this morning.

Ofcourse I took  along my own bucket of items for recyling and now have the honour of being the first depositer of batteries and light globes - as it happens an incandescent, a fluoro and some LEDs.

This is the second Inner West Council Recycling Centre, the other is at Leichhardt.

Community Recycling Centres

Residents can drop off their household problem waste at two Community Recycling Centres in the Inner West.

Community Recycling Centre in Leichhardt 

Address: 50 - 54 Moore Street, Leichhardt
Opening Hours: Wednesday 7:00am – 1:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 7:45am to 11:30am, 1:00pm to 3:45pm

Community Recycling Centre in St Peters 

Address: 15-17 Unwins Bridge Road, St Peters (entry at rear, through Bolton Street) Opening Hours: Saturday and Sunday 8:00am – 1:00pm

For more information about what you can drop off and what happens to these things after you deposit them see

The Community Recycling Centres are set up to help transport hazardous waste safely to where it can be processed properly.

The items the Centre accepts are everyday items which have come to the end of their life in our homes and delivering them to the Recycling Centre is the start of the process to recycle the materials they are made off.

The centre accepts items which should not be put in garbage bins to end up in landfill including Computers and TVs; Gas bottles; Fire extinguishers; Paints; Fluorescent globes and tubes; Car and household batteries; Motor and cooking oil and Smoke detectors.

Platform for collecting Lead Car Batteries


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