Off Leash Dogs

We need to find the right balance between dogs needing to be exercised and human access to parks. That is why I voted against the misleading Mayoral Minute which wanted to overturn the so called state Government Ban on offleash dogs in Callan Park. Listen to Meeting here:

Dogs are permitted offleash in Designated Off Leash Areas, Banned from others and basically permitted onleash elsewhere.

Callan Park is not a Designated Offleash Area.

Leichhardt Council designated the Playing Fields it has a license to operate as off-leash when they are not used for sport.

Inner West Courier City Edition covered the Callan Park -Inner West Council Story...

Inner West Courier West edition covered a story about Canada Bay Council voting against a new off-leash area at Timbrell Park also along the Bay Run..

Dog exercise areas (Inner West Council Website)

Dog off leash etiquette

New dog off leash etiquette signage has been installed in Inner West Council off leash parks. Council recommends that dog walkers follow these tips so that everyone is able to enjoy our shared spaces.
Inner West Council provides a number of off-leash dog exercise areas.
The use of parks by dog walkers is encouraged and recognised by Council as creating a positive sense of community if conducted in a responsible manner.
Signposts have been installed in parks highlighting areas in which dogs can be exercised on and off leash. Some off leash areas operate on a time-share basis, meaning you can only exercise your dog off leash between designated hours each day or when organised sporting or training activities are not taking place.
Dog walkers must ensure their dog is under effective control at all times and does not become a nuisance or impede on the enjoyment of other park users. Dog walkers must clean up and properly dispose their dog's faeces.

Where you cannot take your dog
Please remember that dogs are not allowed on or off leash in the following places:
  • Inside a children's play area, or within 10 metres of one
  • Within 10 metres of a food preparation/consumption area
  • Recreation areas where dogs are prohibited
  • School grounds
  • Child care centres
  • Shopping areas where dogs are prohibited
  • Wildlife protection areas

Dog Related Injuries (AIHW Release Date: )

This fact sheet reports on hospitalisations that occurred as a result of being bitten or struck by a dog in 2013–14. 
In 2013–14, 3,644 hospitalised injury cases were due to being bitten by a dog, and 328 cases due to being struck by a dog. 
Overall, hospitalisations for dog-related injuries were more common in young children aged 0–9 (689 cases, 17%)....

Inner West Council Recreation Needs 


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