Local and International Relations at Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery, Annandale

Toyanath Ghimire visits the Nursery on World Environment Day (5 June 2019)

Toyanath Ghimire Chairman Nepal Education Environment Center (NEEC) Putalisadak Kathmandu Nepal came and visited the nursery to find out what we do an how we do it.
Toya shared stories of frogs and sacred trees.

We showed him the Striped Marsh Frog living in the nursery and took him for a walk around the White's Creek Wetlands, Checked out the food forest and Sewerage Aqueduct.

Nepal Education Environment Center (NEEC)

NEEC is an educational and environmental organisation in Nepal.

NEEC aims to provide education and training in effective nature conservation activities including:
  • sustainability
  • plantation management
  • biodiversity protection
  • wildlife conservation
  • public awareness activities especially in the schools in Nepal. 
The Nursery volunteers were keen to continue the conservation and explore other ways of co-operation with NEEC to promote and protect biodiversity in both our countries and more locally.

Nursery Open Day 

On Saturday 25 May, the Rozelle Bay Community Native Nursery held an open day.

Regular Volunteers and Inner West Council staff welcomed the community to the nursery and explained the activities they could get involved with including propagating local provenance plants, weeding pockets of bushland and planting seedlings.

Local Provenance Plants are endemic or indigenous plants that would have been growing in the Inner West prior to the arrival of the first fleet.

These plants provided a habitat and food to the animals, insects and people who lived in the Sydney Region.

The Nursery is open every Wednesday and Friday morning. There are also many Bushcare Groups working on the local area.


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