Inner Wst Council 19/20 Budget and longer term Plans and Finances

Clr Rochelle Porteous - Mayor Leichhardt Council 2011/2 and 2014/5

Community Budget Meeting in Balmain called by Councillor Rochelle Porteous - Inner West Council

In a wood paneled room under the Gaze of Mayors dating back to the foundation of the Balmain Council in 1860, the community came to hear about the 2019/20 Inner West Council Budget.
Please take a look at the draft 2019/20 budget, fees and charges, the longer term financial outlook and strategic plans and provide feedback via the have your say Website or to your local councillors.
Also on exhibition are the draft Sporting grounds hire and Domestic waste charges.

There is also a proposal to introduce a Compliance and Enforcement Levy for development applications. This is to offset the cost of ensuring that Council officers are available to take effective action against unlawful activities and enforce legal compliance.

 More information and Please comment at 

 More information and Please comment at
Balmain/Leichhardt Mayors

Rochelle Porteous was Mayor Leichhardt Council 2011/2 and 2014/5 (

Also present was Carolyn Allen Mayor 2007 2008.

Clr Rochelle Porteous was Mayor Leichhardt Council 2011/2 and 2014/5 Also present was Carolyn Allen Mayor 2007 2008.

Ald. Mrs. Ann R. Cashman Mayor from 1966 to 1968 was listed on the honour board. 

And Rat in the Rank Cath Hacking.

 More information and Please comment at

Key Performance Indicators

On May 14, the Inner West Council voted unanimously to declare a Climate Emergency and adopt KPIs in the CEOs performance agreement and for Council. The KPIs to also apply to measures on Renewable Energy we resolved to undertake in October 2017.

In declaring an emergency we committed to do more than business-as-usual and reform-as-usual. To address the emergency we need to take temporary protection and adaptation measures while prevention and restorative measures are put in place and achieve their full effect.
“A performance indicator or key performance indicator is a type of performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity in which it engages.” -
Below are extracts from the Council's key strategic documents 2019 to 2029 which Council also resolved to put on exhibition on the 14 May. It is clear our council is yet to establish KPIs in many areas. Two examples of Emissions KPIs

Draft Key Performance Indicators presented in the Draft 2019/20 Budget currently on Exhibition

Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Operating Performance Ratio
Greater than or equal to break even average over three years
Own Source Revenue Ratio
Greater than 60% average over three years
Building and Asset Renewal ratio
Greater than 100% average over three years
Infrastructure Backlog Ratio
Less than 2%
Asset Maintenance Ratio
Greater than 100% average over three years
Debt Service Ratio
Greater than 0% and less than or equal to 20% average over three years
Real Operating Expenditure
Decrease in real operating expenditure per capita over time
Aquatic Services
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Visits to Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre, Marrickville each year
Maintain at 430,000
Visits to Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre, Petersham each year
Maintain at 55,000
Visits to Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre each year
Maintain at 700,000
Visits to Ashfield Aquatic Centre each year
Increase after opening of new centre in 2021/22 to 475,000
from 315,000 in 2016/17
Visits to Dawn Fraser Pool each year
Maintain at 38,000
Visits to Debbie and Abbey Borgia Recreation Centre, Marrickville each year
Visits to Robyn Webster Sports Centre, Tempe each year
Children and Family Services
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Long Day Care utilisation
Parent satisfaction with long day care service
95% satisfied
Occasional Care utilisation
Community Events
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
% of stallholders participating in Council organised events that are Inner West residents or businesses
Maintain at 80%
% of performers participating in Council organised events that are Inner West residents
Maintain at 80%
Community Services and Culture
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
% of Inner West Council social and cultural policies harmonised
% of Council Grants and Fee Scale Policy implemented
% of grant recipients meeting acquittal requirements
Number of participants in Open Studio Trail
Maintain at 100
Number of exhibitions at Chrissie Cotter Gallery
Maintain at 25 each year
Number of seniors participating in wellbeing activities
Trending upward
Maintain threshold number of Magic Yellow Bus park visitations
5 per week
Maintain number of regular annual hirers of Council venues and facilities
Maintain % of regular hirers focusing on multicultural and culturally diverse activities
Development Assessment
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Completion timeframes of applications for pre-lodgement advice
Maintain 28 day average
Increase % of formal pre-DA applications
30% of total DAs lodged have a formal pre DA application
Reduce average determination timeframes for Development Applications from 85 day average
75 days (average)
Increase % of Inner West Building Certification services delivered by Council to support efficient service delivery from 12%
Inner West Council issues 30% of building certificates for development in Inner West
Increase % of Swimming Pool Inspections and Swimming Pool Compliance Certificates Issued
20% of Swimming Pools inspected and Swimming Pool Compliance Certificates Issued
Environment and Sustainability
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Maintain number of Bushcare volunteers
1,400 volunteers
Maintain number of plants supplied each year from community native plant nurseries for planting within Inner West
21,000 plants
% Council’s operational energy from renewable sources including onsite solar generation
25% of Council’s operational energy by 2019/20
% Inner West Council investment in fossil fuels
Trending downwards from 26% in 2017/18
Library and History Services
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Number of visits to Inner West Council libraries each year
Maintain at one million
Number of items borrowed from Inner West Council Libraries each year
Maintain at one million
Annual turnover of library stock
5.5 times per item
Number of library members
Maintain at 100,000 library members
Number of library and history sessions delivered each year and participants
Maintain at 3,000 sessions with 36,000 participants
Number of historical programs delivered each year and participants
Maintain at 30 events with 1,100 participants
Number of library events delivered each year and participants
Maintain at 700 events with 8,000 participants
Number of Wi-Fi log-ins by the public at libraries each year
Maintain at 250,000
Number of e-resources loans/uses each year
Increase from 130,000
History Week and Heritage Festival participants
Maintain at 3,500 participants
Number of public PC computer bookings each year
Maintain at 100,000
Number of items in the Inner West History Collection digitised
Up to 10,000
Strategic Planning
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Total number of affordable housing units transferred to Council or a Community Housing provider
At least 20
Regulatory Services
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Regular patrols of restricted parking areas
75 per week
School safety patrols
25 school patrols per week during the school terms (60% of Inner West schools)
Patrols of parks and reserves for companion animal education and to identify legislative breaches
18 park patrols per week
Outstanding Notice and Orders Certificate
100% issued within three working days
Inspections of shared accommodation and entertainment venues
75% of registered premises inspected each year
Inspections of registered premises and systems (food premises; mobile food vendors; skin penetration premises; public swimming pools; vapour recovery at service stations; and regulated systems, e.g. cooling towers)
100% of registered premises/systems inspected each year
Environmental audits of medium to high risk industries
Three industries audited per year
Number of building complaints
Resource Recovery
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
% of bulky household items picked up by Inner West Council reused, recycled or recovered
50% recovery rate (reused, recycled or recovered) from 12
% in 2016/17 as reported by processing facility
Kg of total waste stream to landfill per resident
Trending down to 150kg per resident per year
from 199kg in 2016/17
Kg of residential waste collected in red-lid bins that could be recycled (other than organic matter)
Reduce to 183kg per resident per year
from 244kg in 2016/17
% of e-waste and chemical waste recovered, recycled or safely disposed
% of residential waste collected in red-lid bins that is food and garden organic matter
Reduce to 29% (average of 10kg per week in each red lid bin) from 39% in 2016/17
Tonnes of waste collected from illegal dumping
Reduce by 25% to 2,045 tonnes per year from 2,727 tonnes in 2016/17
Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Council trees assessed or maintained annually
Applications for tree pruning or removal on private land assessed within 20 days
Trees planted by Council each year
900+ trees
Council website has accessibility information for all parks
Information for all parks available on website
Regular maintenance of Council’s parks, reserves, sporting grounds and facilities undertaken in accordance with the scheduled cycle times
Forums held per year to engage the Inner West Sports key stakeholders in the recreation and open space planning processes
Seasonal and casual sports field allocations in accordance with the policy
Community tree giveaways events held
Number of trees provided to the community each year
Number of operational vehicles and plant owned and operated by Inner West Council
Street sweeping cycles
To be developed in 2019
Verge mowing cycles
To be developed in 2019
Customer Service, Business Excellence and Civic Governance
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Customer contact issue resolved at first point of contact (current = 83%)
Customer calls answered in 60 seconds (current = 36%)
Customer calls answered in 120 seconds (current = 49%)
Customer calls answered in 180 seconds (current = 55%)
Customer calls abandoned in queue (current = 16%)
Less than 4%
Average wait time at customer service counter (current = 5 minutes)
Less than three minutes
Online customer transactions (current = 15%)
Communications and Engagement
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Inner West Council website page views
Increase by 2.5% each year
Inner West Council social media followers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Increase by 2.5% each year
Number of visits to Your Say Inner West
Increase by 3% each year
Number of projects on Your Say Inner West on which the community has the opportunity to engage
More than 40 projects each year
Human Resources
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Overall level of staff engagement with Inner West Council
Increase or maintain
Staff satisfaction with working for Inner West Council
Increase or maintain
Staff commitment to the success of Inner West Council
Increase or maintain
Eligible staff who have a Performance Plan completed or reviewed in the financial year
Number of workdays lost to industrial action
Staff with development plans and capability building opportunities in place
Number of workers compensation claims
Information and Communications Technology
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Reduce number of Corporate Business Systems Applications
(Current = 3)
1 Corporate Business System
Reduce number of Council Data Centres
(Current = 5)
2 Council Data Centres
Reduce number of Council Data Networks
(Current = 4)
1 Council Data Network
Reduce number of Telecommunication Providers
(Current = 2)
1 Telecommunication Provider
Reduce number of Print Management Providers
(Current = 5)
1 Print Management Provider
Reduce number of Desktop Operating Environments
(Current = 3)
1 Desktop Operating Environment
Properties, Major Building Projects and Facilities
Key Performance Indicator
Target by 30 June 2022
Council property portfolio management produces an increased net return
Trending upwards
Manage the building assets portfolio to maintain agreed service levels (capacity, utilisation, risk, condition, function)
Service levels are improved
Manage the Council property portfolio to best practice
Number of leases, licences and agreements in holdover is decreased
Deliver well planned and coordinated projects
100% expenditure of annual capital budget
