Saturday Morning Perambulation

This morning, I took a perambulation to the opening of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools conference at the Seymour Centre.

Chester Street East, Annandale 

Westconnex Dive site

Conference of NSW Community Language Teachers, Seymour Centre, University of Sydney

With Sarina, who lead the National Anthem at the opening
With Lakshmi a Tamil Teacher

Magnificent Turpentine, Victoria Park
And Absolutely no smoking dogs, Glebe Markets

Glass Artists' Gallery, Glebe

Maureen Cahill with Mark Elliot's work

Video of Maureen speaking about Elliot and this wo

Injured Octopus fro m Dr Mermaid and the Abovemarine
Dr Mermaid

Maureen Cahill is the director of the Glass Artists' Gallery in Glebe, exhibiting  A Journey with Mark Elliot.

Elliot is the recipient of the 2019 Art Gallery of Western Australia's Tom Malone Glass Art Prize.

Jack McGrath and Mark Eliott created a video: Dr Mermaid and the Abovemarine
