Westconnex Stage 3b Annandale & Rozelle

On 11 February 2019 RMS informed the Inner West Council that it was exercising its powers to take over the following Roads for WestConnex Stage 3B (M4-M5 Link Rozelle Interchange)
  • Gordon Street, Rozelle (No Public Access upon assumption) 
  • Railway Parade, Annandale
  • The Crescent, Annandale
  • Johnston Street, Annandale
  • Victoria Road, Rozelle
  • Quirk Street, Rozelle
  • Hornsey Street, Rozelle
  • Lilyfield Road, Rozelle  
190211 - IWC - Use of Powers under Roads Act - A25434781 (PDF 2.3MB)Source viewed 20 Feb 2019: https://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/develop/major-projects/state-projects/westconnex
Crescent and Railway Parade Annandale to be taken over for construction of Westconnex Stage 3B (Rozelle Interchange) Source:190211 - IWC - Use of Powers under Roads Act - A25434781 (PDF 2.3MB)

Gordon Street Rozelle to be taken over for construction of Westconnex Stage 3B (Rozelle Interchange) Source:190211 - IWC - Use of Powers under Roads Act - A25434781 (PDF 2.3MB)
Lilyfield Road, Victoria Road, Quirk Street and Hornsey Street, Rozelle to be taken over for construction of Westconnex Stage 3B (Rozelle Interchange)  Source:190211 - IWC - Use of Powers under Roads Act - A25434781 (PDF 2.3MB)

1675 Trees destroyed or threatened

Lime shows where1675 Trees are threatened  (Source EIS)
The 2017 EIS for Stage 3 of Westconnex identified a threat to 1675 Trees
in the vicinity of the Rozelle Railyards which includes Buruwan Park and
other pockets along White's Creek.

Of the 1675, 107 were identified as high value.

The focus for Biodiversity Impact was the Railyards. Many of the trees
were in the Rozelle Railyards have already been cleared. No threatened
flora and fauna will be removed. There were microbats in the railyards.

No detailed tree or wildlife survey has been done of Buruwan Park or the
areas outside the railyards where vegetation will be destroyed.

355 Trees are to be investigated further for suitablility for retention
including 34 high value trees. This includes "screening" trees at the
intersection of Lilyfield Road and Victoria Road.

For most of the Trees westconnex will get away with replacement planting
in shrinking crowded Green Space, which can't accommodate large trees.

Save Buruwan Park, 15 Feb 2019. Photo Tony Grech
2017 Plan for Rozelle Interchange Westconnex Stage 3 EIS
2018 Plan for Rozelle Interchange Source: July 2018 Update 13.7MB PDF

Construction Plans for the Foreshore, Railway Parade, Crescent and Buruwan Park Annandale Source: Westconnex Rozelle Interchange Fact Sheet 2017

Noise & Night Construction of Rozelle Interchange (Source 2017 EIS)
Concerned? Let these people know:
State Member for Balmain
Jamie Parker MP
02 9660 7586

The Premier of NSW
Gladys Berejiklian MP
02 8574 5000 *
Email the Premier via this online form
*Can also try the Department of Premier and Cabinet, 02 9228 5555

Minister for WestConnex
Stuart Ayres MP
02 8574 6500

Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight
Melinda Pavey MP
02 8574 7300
Email the minister via this online form


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