Croydon Road Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Last night Pedestrian Safety improvements along Croydon Road took a step further.
Cnr Croydon Road and Anthony Street, 29 Aug 2017

My three NOMs on Pedestrian Safety were resolved at the Council Meeting 12 October 2017 including
  • C1017 Item 14 Motion: Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Croydon Road, Croydon (Da Cruz/Porteous) and 
  • C1017 Item 15 Notice of Motion: Pedestrian Safety on Frederick Street, Ashfield (Da Cruz/Porteous) Motion Carried

The Crossing on Frederick Street including relocation of a bus stop were implemented in June 2018.

Last night, the Council adopted the recommendation and minutes of the 4 December Traffic Committee meeting with an amendment in response to a resident's concerns about the urgent need for a pedestrian crossing at Church Street [Item 8.2 below] and correction of a typo at Queen Street [item 7-1(f) below].

Item 7 THAT:

1.   The report be received and noted;

2.   The following proposed treatments as listed below be approved in principle subject to detailed design and further consultation with affected residents at each location:

a)   Provide a speed cushion in Croydon Road on the approach to Elizabeth Street (Figure 2-Location 1);

b)   Widen the north-west corner of Anthony Street and Croydon Road, provide a refuge facility in Croydon Road south of Anthony Street, and speed cushion in Croydon Road north of Anthony Street (Figure 3-Location 2);

c)   Provide kerb-blisters in Edwin Street North at the intersection to Anthony Street (Figure 4-Location 3);

d)   Remove the horizontal deflection device and replace it with a pedestrian refuge island facility in Croydon Road between Kenilworth Street and Gregory Avenue, and provide speed cushions in Croydon Road on both approaches to Kenilworth Street and Gregory Avenue (Figure 5- Location 4);

e)   Provide a pedestrian refuge in Croydon Road between Ranger Road and John Street, and a 10 metre length double white centreline in John Street at the approach to Croydon Road (Figure 6-Location 5);

f)    Provide a pedestrian refuge opening in the splitter island in Croydon Road, north of the roundabout intersection with Queen Street Church Street, and provide a speed cushion in Croydon Road on  the southern end approach to Queen Street (Figure 7-Location 6);

g)   Provide short length painted double white centre lines in Bay Street at the approach to Croydon Road, and in Croydon Road south of Bay Street (Figure 8-Location 8); and

h)   Provide a central median island in Dalmar Street at Croydon Road (Figure 9- Location 9);

3.   The existing ‘No Stopping’ restriction on the western side of Elizabeth Street be extended by 2-3m from 10m to a distance of approx. 12-13m north of Croydon Road;

4.   A ‘No Stopping’ restriction on the eastern side of Elizabeth Street be installed at a distance of approx. 12-13m north of Croydon Road; and

5.    ‘No Stopping’ restrictions be installed in Anthony Street for a distance of 5 metres west and 7 metres east of the laneway, between Edwin Street and Croydon Road.

6.    Speed cushions across the width of Croydon Road on approach to Gregory Avenue be investigated.

7.    The road level textured/coloured entry threshold treatment on Bay Street and John Street be removed from the design.


1.   The proposed ‘right turn lane’ in Church Street (east) with associated ‘No Stopping’ restrictions at the intersection of Croydon Road and speed hump/cushion in Croydon Road, north of Church Street be approved in principle, subject to detailed design and further consultation with affected residents at this location; and

2.   The feasibility of providing a pedestrian facility in Croydon Road near/at its intersection with Church Street be investigated, separate to the proposed treatment in Item 1 above. 
    the provision of a pedestrian facility in Croydon Road at its intersection with Church Street to support pedestrian desire line along the southern side of Church Street to Centenary Park be investigated as a matter of urgency for implementation before or with the right hand turning lane in point 1


  1. Small Steps in the right direction..
    Traffic Committee Agenda 5 Aug 2019

    7. Edwin Street, Croydon at Anthony Street - Proposed Kerb Blisters & Croydon Road, Croydon at Anthony Street - Proposed Pedestrian Refuge and Kerb Blisters (Design Plans 10088 & 10091)

    9. Croydon Road at Kenilworth Street & Gregory Avenue, Croydon - Proposed Traffic Calming at the intersections including a new pedestrian refuge island on Croydon Road - Design Plan 10070

    10. Croydon Road at Queen Street, Croydon - Proposed Traffic Calming at the intersection including a new pedestrian refuge on Croydon Road - Design Plan 10092

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