Buruwan Park Annandale

Buruwan Park Annandale is a rare green space threatened by Westconnex.

Rally, 15 Feb 2019. Photo Tony Grech
The park was created around 1995 by converting Gordon Road Annandale to park and connecting pockets of land owned by Sydney Water and Sydney Trains.

The park is adjacent to White's Creek and has many mature trees including an outstanding Fig Trees. Volunteers and Council contractors have introduced and cared for local provenance plants in the park since its creation.
Buruwan Park, 2018

Buruwan Park, 2018
Buruwan Park provides a pedestrian cycle link between the Rozelle Bay Light Rail Stop and the 433 Bus Stop on  the Crescent Annandale.

It is also provides a pedestrian and cycle link from Railway Parade Annandale to the Crescent, the ANZAC Bridge and the Annandale Foreshore.

Fig marked for destruction. Photo Cassi Plate

Transport NSW wants to destroy the park to widen the Crescent.

The widening of the Crescent was part of the EIS for Stage 3 of Westconnex in 2017. However, new plans for the roads were included in the Western Harbour Tunnel Plans for the Rozelle Interchange.
Westconnex proposed construction site at Railway Pde and the Crescent, Annandale

Source:WestconnexRozelle Interchange Fact Sheet July 2017

Source: July 2018 Update 13.7MB PDF

Rally Buruwan Park, 15 Feb 2019. Photo Tony Grech

Inner West Courier (city and west editions) 26 Feb 2019


page 11 Buruwan Park - RMS did not respond to request for comment!

article about the tunneling:

Page 9 Return land to people


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