1960s Annandale

Camperdown and Annandale Police Stations

"During 1967 the Police premises, formerly occupied as a Police Station but used for some time only as a Police Residence, were re-opened to replace the Camperdown Police Station on Parramatta Road, which were closed down because of inadequate accommodation." - https://www.records.nsw.gov.au/agency/126

Petrol Station

The Annandale Theatre, was demolished in 1961 and replaced with the Petrol Station.

Verandahs and Awnings

Parramatta Road was widened and verandah posts were removed and replaced with awnings.

Goodman Buildings verandahs were removed at some point.

Vietnam War

"Colin Whiston was born in Annandale, in the inner west of Sydney, to Ruby and Thomas Whiston, on May 8th 1945. In January 1965, Colin was a working as a postman when he registered for the National Service Ballot, compulsory for all 20-year-old males." https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/C1376736

Private Motor Cars

E. J. Mishan, in his book Costs of Economic Growth (1967), refers to as the “plague of motorized traffic” as well as the emission of noxious gases and carcinogenic particulates from motor vehicle exhausts; not to mention the noise pollution, the social disruption involved in building freeways and the raising of sea levels as a result of global warming. I’m not suggesting that we should all join the Greens Political Party but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give some much needed support to Action for Public Transport (9416 8459)." -The Glebe Society and the Battle of the Expressways, The following article was published in the Glebe Society Bulletin of November/December 2004.https://www.glebesociety.org.au/socialhistory/the-glebe-society-and-the-battle-of-the-expressways/



  • Dilys conducted alternate services at Leichhardt and Hunter Baillie Presbyterian churches with her husband and was inducted, in 1969, as the first woman Elder in NSW.
  • The Sydney Push, Greek Community and Annandale Imitation Realists
  • Royal Johnston St and Olympia, Parramatta Road

Hoadley Chocolate Plant

Construction of Kodak Building, Booth Street 1967

Photograph - Kodak Australasia Pty Ltd, Exterior of Factory Building, Annandale, circa 1968 https://collections.museumvictoria.com.au/items/1481192


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