
Showing posts from August, 2023

Biodiversity and Tree Canopy in the Inner West

From Statutory Review of NSW Biodiversity Act (Aug 2023 ) Questions asked at 8 Aug 2023 Council Meeting On Item 4 Tree Canopy Report Q: What is the unspent tree planting budget for 22/23FY? A: The 2022/23 tree planting program had an original budget of $2M. Within this budget line item, $550,000 was spent on tree planting, resulting in an underspend of 1.45M.  It should be noted that there were over 1,000 trees planted across the LGA in 2022/23 which satisfied our target.  Expenses associated with this planting were largely charged to individual project budgets rather than the tree planting program budget. And on item 17 Delivery Program 22-26 & Operational Plan 22-23 Quarter 4 Report Q:Is there a reason why the tree strategy and other projects have been held up? A: The street tree strategy has been rescheduled as it required the adoption of the Tree DCP2003 (completed March 2023) for alignment purposes.  The strategy has also been impacted by the resignation...

WHO Economics of the health implications of waste management in the context of a circular economy.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe 2023:  "The world is at a crossroads. For decades, economies have relied on the linear model to “take, make, and dispose”; a circular economy is slowly emerging, which looks to “renew, remake, and share” instead. Moving toward a circular economy requires a fundamental rethinking of waste management practices and how they can affect health and well-being. This report analyzes assessment of economic benefits of the health outcomes from better waste management,and discusses approaches for assessing health impacts and their economic consequences in decision-making for a zero-pollution future based on the principles of a circular economy and sustainable waste management. Transformation to more sustainable waste management with low health risks entails substantial economic costs: in remediation of historic waste deposit sites, investment in purchasing and maintaining modern technologies for waste burning, and promoting job switc...

'70s Annandale: A Short Walk the cover

The cover colour and illustration is by Santiago Diaz. More pictures here The Building is Ningana in Annandale. In 1978 a SMH article revealed that a 53 room fully furnished three story building had stood empty for 7 years. The building was completed in 1971 and intended to house 'ten pound POMs' squatters moved in to stop a selloff by the State Minister. The Commonwealth maintained it still had part ownership muddying the waters for the sale. Shelter and Leichhardt Council ran a survey, of local residents, to demonstrate the need for local housing. They then backed a Coop model with the Council nominating two directors... References  Pg30, Champions of Change, , viewed 31 July 2023 Pg 56/7/8, Champions of Change, , viewed 31 July 2023

Inner West Council Newsletter on Waste Services (AKA resource recovery)

Good to see a bumper issue of Inner West Council News on Waste Services (AKA resource recovery) Inner West Council News (August 2023) . We are helping to tackle the mountain of old tyres by trialling a new mix on our roads - with a trial in Hutchinson, Annandale.    EPA NSW: "Tyres that are used, rejected or unwanted are classified as waste tyres and need to be managed responsibly. This includes casings, seconds, shredded tyres or tyre pieces. Tyres that are retreaded or intended to be used for retreading or recycling must also be managed as waste tyres. The NSW Government supports Tyre Stewardship Australia and the national Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme."   Bower Tiny House Course Also covering the BOWER Reuse & Repair Centre 's Tiny House course now at our Summer Hill Sustainability Hub. Along with the The Village Project , our Green Living Centre, Dress for Success Sydney and Habitat for Humanity Aust...

Land for Trees and Cycleways

Johnston St, Annandale in 1800s (Wikimedia) Chester St, Annandale We need to make better use of our road reserve to provide underutilised land for pedestrians, public transport, trees, vegetation and cycleways.    Pyrmont Bridge Road Climate Council: "Our ability to get around – safely and without barriers – is fundamental to our quality of life, wellbeing and participation in society. Transport connects us to everything: our communities, workplaces, friends and family, education, healthcare and all the essential services we need." - Shifting gear: The path to cleaner transport, 2023, Trees 19thCentury photos of Annandale on the verge of Johnston St. But by federation shoulder trees appeared in Haberfield and subsequently elsewhere. The trees planted on the shoulder of the road, predate the rise of cars, bitumen and concrete. "The idea I think was that the trees were for a canopy...