Returns since March 2017 peaked at 4% in July 2019 and have dropped to -0.5% in March 2022. The amount invested has grown from less than $200million to over $250million. 4% of $200million = $8million -0.5% of $250million = -$1.25million. Investment Report on Council Agenda 10 May 2022 "Item No: C0522(1) Item 20 Subject: Investment Report at 31 March 2022 Prepared By: Daryl Jackson - Chief Financial Officer Authorised By: Beau-Jane De Costa - Acting Director Corporate RECOMMENDATION That Council receive and note the report. BACKGROUND A monthly investment report is provided to Council detailing the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value. The monthly investment report includes details of the current proportion of investments that are non-fossil fuel investments and include details of progress in meeting the prevailing performance benchmark in re...
Showing posts from May, 2022
Vale Betty Mason - NOM 10 May 2022
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Passed Unanimously! Tom Cochrane: " Betty Mason (nee Cochrane) made a sustained contribution to retaining and improving the quality of the urban landscape in the Municipality, particularly, but not limited to, Annandale. She remained effective in this area for an extraordinary period of over 40 years. A modest recognition of her extraordinary role will be entirely appropriate, and I urge support for the motion. In saying more to this I’d like to emphasise how much Betty Mason loved this part of Sydney, and how durable and effective her work in the Inner West has been. I cannot think of anyone who had her particular blend of enjoyment of the built environment and the character of Annandale, Glebe, Leichhardt and the other localities here on the one hand, and commitment to appropriate actions to maintain and ensure its character and quality for the future. I lived and worked in the Inner West when younger and saw up close that she had a day to day commitment. She was parti...
Streetscape Maintenance Council Meeting 10 May 2022
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Council Meeting 10 May 2022 Item No: C0522(1) Item 8 Subject: Streetscape Maintenance Service Standard Prepared By: Lachlan Broadbent - Manager Parks and Streetscape Operations Authorised By: Cathy Edwards-Davis - Director Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. Endorse the inhouse service delivery of the parks and verge mowing programs within the former Ashfield Council area; and 2. Increase the service standard for verge maintenance to a 20 working day cycle from October to March and a 40 day working cycle from April to September DISCUSSION On the 25 June 2019, Council adopted the following streetscape service levels across the Inner West: 1. ...