Notice of Motion: Inner West Council Complaints Management
Notice of Motion: Review of Inner West Council Complaints Handling That Council review the Management of Complaints including accessibility of information on website, reporting, performance, the Internal Ombudsman Shared Service and alignment with the NSW Ombudsman's best practice guidelines and the Procedures for Handling Code of Conduct Complaints. report the outcome of the review to Councillors at the July ordinary Council meeting Background In accordance with the NSW Ombudsman's guidance, the COMPLAINTS HANDLING POLICY was due to be reviewed last November. "This policy is subject to regular review at a maximum interval of two years. Any recognised change to relevant legislation, directives or guidelines issued by agencies including the NSW Ombudsman and the Office of Local Government will instigate an immediate review of this policy to reflect any changes." viewed 20 April 2021Source: Complaints Handling Policy (adopted 27/11/2018)