
Showing posts from April, 2021

Notice of Motion: Inner West Council Complaints Management

Notice of Motion:  Review of Inner West Council Complaints Handling That Council review the Management of Complaints including accessibility of information on website, reporting, performance, the Internal Ombudsman Shared Service and alignment with the NSW Ombudsman's best practice guidelines and the Procedures for Handling Code of Conduct Complaints. report the outcome of the review to Councillors at the July ordinary Council meeting  Background In accordance with the NSW Ombudsman's guidance, the COMPLAINTS HANDLING POLICY was due to be reviewed last November. "This policy is subject to regular review at a maximum interval of two years. Any recognised change to relevant legislation, directives or guidelines issued by agencies including the NSW Ombudsman and the Office of Local Government will instigate an immediate review of this policy to reflect any changes." viewed 20 April 2021Source: Complaints Handling Policy (adopted 27/11/2018)


NOW IS THE TIME! With the US pledging to half its Carbon Emissions by 2030 - the Inner West needs to ride the waves and not resist the tide. Inner West Council declared a Climate Emergency in May 2019 on my Notice of Motion. The COVID Lockdown has seen a dramatic drop in Emissions and we enjoyed the walking and cycling in the Clear Air and empty roads. The Return of aircraft to our skies are an unwelcome return to normality. Emissions form Electricity were already dropping but we need to transition our systems to renewal and away from Coal, Gas and Oil. We still need to tackle Carbon Emission from Transport and Gas and ofcourse increase the Tree Canopy and Green Space. Better design of our homes to be naturally more comfortable and streets to prioritise low carbon travel in our urban design.   Make a submission to the Design and Place SEPP before 28 April 2021.

Inner West Council needs 2 Meetings a month and Oversight!

Last night's  council meeting was a demonstration of why we need fortnightly Council meetings and proper reports presented for consideration by Council. Non-urgent Mayoral Minutes were put up which sought to establish Council Positions despite containing no comments from Council Officers. Insufficient information in an illegible format was published. Councillors were informed they were voting on Domestic Waste Services on which they were briefed but with no supporting report. The mayor as chair of the meeting and claiming to be an expert on Meeting procedure kept throwing to officers for rulings. It was good to see so many speakers at the meeting - but this should not have been the first time Councillors heard their arguments! The speaker for item 2 raised issues with the accuracy of the report on the council papers! Item No: C0421(1) Item 2 Subject: Live music and entertainment conditions   On a more p

Mayoral and Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy

In July 2017 it was resolved by the Administrator that there would be 2 staff for the Mayor and 4 to be shared between the other 14 councillors. Many of the sacked former Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt Councillors took up appointments on the administrators advisory committee and I expect advised on the resourcing.  There has been no transparency of the structure of the Mayors office and there is not even a current staff structure on the council website. Councillors resolved in July 2018 in adopting the Councillors Facilities and Expenses policy to receive quarterly reports on expenditure against budget.  From 2 staff supporting the Mayor and 4 staff supporting the councillors  to 2 supporting the Councillors and a blow out in Mayoral Facilities reported in an exclusive article in the SMH. ‘ Exclusive use’: Sydney mayor’s estimated $500k team revealed amid GM stoush By Angus Thompson, April 10, 2021 — 5.00am