
Showing posts from January, 2024

Case for Deamalgamation

Inner West Public Hearings and written submissions Written submissions are invited from members of the public. Submissions should preferably address one or more of the factors listed in section 263(3) of the Act and should identify if the submitter is a resident and/or ratepayer of the affected local government area. Submissions can be made by email to or by mail to LGBC Executive Officer Locked Bag 3015, Nowra NSW 2541 must be received by COB 31 January 2024. Inner West Public Hearings (6 Nov 2023) – Inner West Council – Business case for de-amalgamation Minister’s letter referring the Proposal to the Boundaries Commission Inner West Business case for De-amalgamation Notice of Public Inquiry and call for written submissions – 6 November 2023 – PDF LGBC summary of key findings from Deloitte’s Analysis of the Financial Implications – PDF