
Showing posts from December, 2020

Rates Harmonisation - Proposed Rating Structure and 20/21 Rates for individual councils..

"Inner West Council is operating under three old rating systems - Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville. By law, all amalgamated councils must harmonise rates from July 2021. Harmonising rates will mean one rating system across the Inner West. While Council is not increasing its overall income from rates, harmonisation means your rates may change. The change to rates will not increase the total rate revenue received by Inner West Council. Harmonising rates means rates will be paid equitably in proportion to the land value by all ratepayers in the Inner West." Last day to provide feedback is Sunday 7 February 2021 .   Agenda Council Meeting 10 November 2020 Item No:         C1120(1) Item 1 Subject:         Harmonisation of Rates              Prepared By:      Daryl Jackson - Chief Financial Officer   Authorised By:  Brian Barrett - Acting General Manager Source: Agenda Council Meeting 10 November 2020 http